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Tsunade returned, accompanied by the village elders. Whenever they saw Mare sitting in the office, their expressions soured quickly. She narrowed her eyes at the elders before standing and bowing anyway. Their last meeting had fostered a mutual dislike, and it was clear that the two geriatric assholes had let their contempt simmer; however, Mare brushed away her personal feelings and put on a diplomatic smile.

The meeting went about as Mare expected. The elders had little interest in building a relationship with the "Bloody Mist" as they referred to it, even after Mare respectfully encouraged them to simply refer to the village as Kirigakure. After an hour of their insolence, Tsunade pounded her fist on the desk and began berating them for their treatment of a guest.

Mare couldn't help the smirk that grew on her face as the two elders sat with gaped mouths at the Hokage's slicing words.

After the meeting, Tsunade groaned and rubbed her temples before muttering, "I need a fucking drink."

"Me too," Mare agreed, rolling her neck. The village elders were insufferable and this stressful meeting left Mare wondering why the Mizukage was so adamant that she was the diplomat to Konohagakure. She didn't have a personality that instantly attracted people, nor was she good at dealing with bullshit. It made no sense that Mei assigned Mare this job; however, she was the Mizukage and her word was law.

Tsunade grinned and winked, "Come on then." She took Mare by the arm and rushed out of the office, slipping through the streets until they reached a quaint little bar.

The two sat at a booth and ordered a bottle of sake, taking turns pouring shots and indulging in small talk. Tsunade was far more open than Mare, which was a relief to the quiet woman. She could sit and listen to Tsunade's incredible stories without feeling the pressure to speak every two minutes.

Time passed and alcohol flowed freely. The bartender brought another bottle of sake to the two women and said it was on the house, which elicited a drunken and cheerful response from the Hokage and Mare. They continued drinking, getting progressively more fucked up as the night drug on.

After the sun had set in the village and Tsunade and Mare had eaten a meal at the bar, they were getting ready to call it a night whenever a familiar, smiling face strode in and exclaimed joyfully, "Look who remembered without me telling them!"

"Don't flatter yourself, Genma," Mare chuckled with a wink before she added, "I'm here with the Hokage, obviously."

A pout grew on his face and he asked, "But surely you can spare a drink for us lowly jonin?"

Mare pulled her drunk focus to the people standing behind Genma. A mountain of a man with tan skin, dark hair and eyes, and a beard was puffing on a cigarette beside a woman with messy black hair and charming crimson eyes. Beside them stood a second woman with lovely purple hair and a warm smile.

"Only if you're buying," she answered with a smile.

Genma whistled to the bartender and ordered another couple bottles of sake for the table before sliding in the booth beside Mare. The rest of the group crowded in the booth and they all began introducing themselves to Mare at once.

"Woah, hold on a minute," she begged with a laugh and a hiccup, throwing her hands up. "You guys are gonna have to slow down. I'm too drunk for this."

The man with the cigarette laughed loudly and gestured to the women to go on ahead. The purple haired girl gave a small wave and introduced herself as Yugao Uzuki. After that, the woman with the striking ruby eyes greeted Mare and said her name was Kurenai Yuhi and that the big guy beside her was Asuma Sarutobi.

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