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A week later, when things had calmed down just a little bit, FP decided to text Alice. He had been wanting to do it before, but that would be to over protective, wouldn't it? He couldn't treat her any different from anyone else in this town when it came to the Black Hood case. Only difference was that they had done something that made her a direct target.

FP: Are you doing okay?

He took the risk and texted her. After all, he had promised to check in.

Alice: Yes, I am.

He waited. Was there anything else he wanted to ask? Could he ask details on how she was doing? He didn't have to wait long, cause it seemed like she was thinking the same thing. Another text from her.

Alice: Should we talk? Can I come over?

FP: Yeah, you can. Meet me at the police station?

Alice: Or just at your home? Why so formal? I'd like to talk to FP for a change. Not to Sheriff Jones.

His home. He never invited people to his home. Nobody even knew where he lived. And even if they did, nobody said a word. But he owed her this, didn't he?

Alice: Or are you afraid I'll criticize your house?

She was a mind reader, he thought. But sometimes you needed to open up. Even if that was terrifying.

FP: Fine. Meet me at Sunnyside Trailer Park. Trailer 107.

FP sighed as he putted away his phone. Nobody ever visisted his trailer. He guessed that many people thought he was living on the Norhtside— which was clearly not the case. Though, he knew this woman wouldn't quit when he was going to keep this a secret. Part of him didn't even want to lie to her. After all, she was the one who came closest to who he really was after successfully hiding from the world for years.

"So, this is where you live?" Alice looked around the trailer, that was very neat, to her surprise. Not that she thought he was the sloppy type, but with someone working so much she would have expected more of a mess.

"Don't act surprised. Just say what you really wanna say and ask what you wanna ask." FP mumbled annoyed, regretting inviting her right there and then.

"Can you relax for just one second? I'm not trying to be judgemental. I'm trying to be nice." Alice sounded a bit hurt, since it wasn't usual for her either to do things like these. She wasn't here to judge, she genuinely wanted to get to know him.

"You are?" His voice confused, and just a little soft to let her know that the fact she wasn't going to make fun of him for living like this meant something to him.

He didn't think he should be ashamed of his trailer, but the majority of Riverdale wasn't too fond of the people living on SunnySide.

"Don't act surprised." She mocked his words from before, while sending him a smile. FP chuckled and rubbed his eyes before he let out a big sigh.

"Sorry, I'm just a little tense ever since The Black Hood showed up." He apologized, realizing that he had been acting more grumpy ever since that criminal had been terrorizing the town.

Alice didn't mind. She was more alert herself ever since the news was out in the open, so she could imagine that the Sheriff, who was responsible for getting him behind bars was even more tense.

"That's why I am here. I've tried to look for connections between the murders by talking to people in this town, to hopefully find out more about his motives." Alice grabbed a big map out of her bag and started putting the pictures and news articles onto the wall.

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