Chapter 29

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Danny grinned as soon as they walked inside, "Man... it's been ages since I've been in a Nasty Burger! I never thought to see if Gotham had one!"

Dick looked around curiously, "This place looks like a dump... and you say it's pretty good?"

"The best!" Danny and Dani said in unison.

Bruce laughed, "We'll just have to find out. You guys get whatever you want. I'll buy."

They all placed their orders and sat down.

Dick started eating his sandwich, "Huh... this is actually really good!"

"Right!" Danny said grinning. "The Nasty sauce is what really makes it good though. Just don't ever heat the sauce up!"

Bruce looked at him confused, "What happens if you heat it up?"

"It uh..." he looked down. "It... explodes..."

Dani looked up at him, "You okay?"

"I'm going to turn out just like Dan aren't I..." he sniffled. "They're gone... That's the first step..."

She put a hand on his shoulder, "You're nothing like him Danny... you made a promise."

"What's the point of a promise... if they aren't here?" he stood up, "Give me a second..." he then walked to the bathroom.

Bruce was surprised. He knew that Danny was still mourning his loss, but it had been a long-time sense he had gotten this emotional. Bruce had thought they had made more progress by now...

"Who's 'Dan'?" Dick asked.

Dani rubbed the back of her neck nervously. A habit that she had gotten from Danny. "He's this... he was this guy that Danny knew. He really wasn't nice. Danny had promised his friends that he would never turn into someone like Dan. And well, now they're gone..."

Danny came back a few minutes later. "I'm okay now." He looked over to Dani, "You ready to go?"

She nodded. She then looked over at Bruce and Dick, "It was nice meeting you guys." She got up to follow Danny.

He turned to them before leaving, "I'll be home later." The two then walked out the door.

~time skip~

The Halfas had a little bit more fun before it was time for Dani to head back to the Ghost Zone. They said their goodbyes and Danny opened a portal for her. He then went home himself. When he got there, he told Bruce that he wasn't hungry, and went up to his room. In truth, he just didn't want to talk about what had happened during lunch.

Bruce frowned once Danny went upstairs. It had been a long-time sense Danny had skipped a meal entirely. He was probably upset...

~time skip~

Danny heard a soft knock at his door. He quickly wiped the tears from his eyes. "Come in..." he choked out. God, he sounded awful...

"Danny?" Bruce walked in slowly. "Are you alright?" Danny nodded quickly wiping away more tears. Bruce sighed and walked over to him, "You don't look alright." He gave Danny a chance to say something, but when he didn't Bruce continued. "You were upset at lunch today; do you want to talk about it?"

He looked down, "I just... I really miss them..."

"I know..." Bruce put an arm around Danny's shoulder. He had never been big on physical contact, but Danny didn't flinch away, so Bruce took that as a win. "I still miss my parents you know. And that's okay. It means you haven't forgotten them. The key is moving on..."

"How did you do it?" he asked sadly. "Move on I mean..."

Bruce sighed, "I hate to say it. But, I'm a bit of a hypocrite." He looked Danny in the eye, "I still haven't moved on completely. But something that has helped me a lot, is I found a hobby that can keep me occupied."

Danny had the sneaking suspicion that he was talking about the Batman, but he didn't press it. They talked for a bit longer, before Bruce left. After this talk, they both felt like they had become that much closer with the other...

(A/N - Hey guys! Thanks for reading! Sorry if there are more grammar and spelling mistakes in this chapter than usual. My grammar program is being stupid right now. :) Stay whelmed and go ghost!)

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