3. 7:35 A.M.

678 26 5

Heyo, friendos!

Can you believe it's been five years since Shayne and Courtney were added to the Smosh squad? It really makes me happy that they've been making us laugh for such a long time already.

Also, 400 reads! Wooooooooah, oops! Thanks, you guys. It feels like I've been writing this book for a long while now, but it's really been just a few days, and I even get off schedule because of a lot of things happening. Again, my bad. We're just organizing a lot of stuff and it's kinda stressing me out, but we push through, my friends!

Let's get to it then. Shayne's POV and see ya!


Thankfully, Fortune Tellers opens early.

"Good morning, a table for how ma--- oh," Kelly mumbles as she greets me at the front door. "Sir Shayne, w-was it?"

"Yeah, hey, Kelly," I greet her with an awkward smile. "Uh, I was wondering if I could speak with Cassandra? I just wanted to clear some stuff out."

"We can get you a table here, but we're not sure if she'll come down from upstairs to meet you," she says, handing me a menu. "Don't worry, we have all-day breakfast menus."

"Nice, because Courtney also told me to get some takeout for her lunch," I reply as she leads me to my table. "What would you say is the best choice for her?"

"Uhm, I really like the honey-glazed chicken here," she mumbles, not meeting my gaze. "Maybe she will too, but... that's just my opinion."

"Cool, big thanks," I tell her as soon as I see Cassandra going down the stairs carefully and heading to my table with a calm smile.

"I knew you were arriving, don't worry," Cassandra assures me. "And for your order, I suggest the honey-glazed chicken."

"I was gonna order that for Courtney, but now that two of you here are telling me it's good, might as well order that for myself," I say to both Cassandra and Kelly. "Two orders, please, with some iced tea to go."

"Good choice," Kelly remarks as she heads towards the kitchen, taking my menu with me.

"So, what do you want to know?" Cassandra asks me as soon as Kelly's out of earshot. "I presume you don't want a fortune cookie, and all I saw anyway was you arriving here."

"A lot of things, honestly," I answer, sighing. "But first, I'd like to apologize for making a scene the last time we were here."

"Oh, no need," she says. "It is not every day you find out things like that. It's too bad you didn't get to try out our zodiac drinks though. Your friend, Ian, came along a while after you did, and he gave us feedback that he loved it. I wouldn't allow you to drink this early in the morning though."

"I wouldn't allow myself either," I remark, and we both chuckle. "But, well... I don't know what else I can do at this point. Courtney's proposing some video series of us doing the things we've always wanted to do, for the idea of 'making the days count' somehow. I like the idea, but it has a bit of an ominous vibe to it."

"Then make it seem like it's a happy thing," she tells me, drinking some water. "Courtney wants to spend her last days happy, and I know you would too. Do all sorts of things, but of course, remember that just because you have a death date doesn't mean you're invincible from here on out."

"I totally get that," I assure her, and she smiles sadly at me. "I think it'll still take me a bit of time to... accept the fact that I'm going to die. Courtney has been going through it a lot easier than I have for some reason, but I'm glad that she's taking it easy."

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