10. 2:14 P.M.

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Hey there, how are you all doing?

First off: HOLY MOLY! I did say this on my Message Board, but I still don't understand how we got the #3 spot on the Smosh tag! Honestly, I am still so surprised, and even though I'm not one to care about rankings (I'm more on looking for quality), this is just awesome. Thanks a bunch, Wattpad algorithm that I will never understand, and thanks a bunch to all of you guys reading this.

Final chapter and epilogue will be out on... August 10, 2020! That is a Monday. This has been my shortest book, but it was really enjoyable writing it. It's probably gonna be around 12:30 A.M., Philippine Standard Time. Hope you look forward to it!

For now, let's start: Courtney's POV and see ya!


It's just gonna be three weeks, but I am definitely not going to get used to any of these tubes and pipes surrounding me. But other than tubes and pipes, I'm also surrounded by the best people in the world and also my boyfriend.

"Alright, you feeling okay?" Shayne asks me as he hands me a glass of water. "We're gonna do one take so that you get to rest early."

"Yep, I'll do my best," I tell him as I drink from it. "Just tell Kevin and the rest to edit out everything inappropriate and all that, like me getting medicated or whatever."

"Got it," he assures me as Monica calls action. "What is up? We are here today with our old amazing incredible friend, Courtney Miller!"

Just earlier today, Shayne told me that he and some other folks were going to shoot some stuff with me, and thankfully, Dr. Locke cleared them and me for a two-hour shoot, except for me getting out of the bed and the room. Apparently, they had already filmed a lot of stuff outside, and we also shot a scene of them entering my hospital room. With us today are Ian, Keith, Noah, Olivia, and Damien.

"How have you been doing?" Ian asks me, patting my back.

"A little bit better, yeah," I answer, even though Shayne and I knew this was not gonna head positively at all. "It's a little tough, but definitely doing better as I'm getting rested here."

"Do you know what we're gonna be doing today?" Olivia says.

"Actually no," I answer honestly. "Shayne literally called me this morning and told me that you guys had already asked clearance for shooting and had shot a lot of stuff outside the hospital, so I'm not really sure what's gonna go down."

"So our restrictions for this video are: no getting Courtney out of the bed and no getting Courtney out of the room," Damien begins to explain. "Yes, we did film Courtney's farewell video a while back, but we figured that we wanted to do a proper send-off, where you guys at home or wherever you are can join us. So today is... the Courtney Send-off Competition Show!"

"Or as we like to call it, CSCS," Noah remarks, and everyone chuckles a little.

"Arrangement's gonna be Keith, Noah, Damien, me, Olivia, and Shayne," Ian continues to explain. "But CSCS is not just a farewell thing... it's supposed to be clever! We wanted it to be a TNTL of some sorts, but the room's a bit cramped up for that, and it's not really hygienic to spit water in a hospital, so... it's just supposed to be clever."

"Wow, so am I supposed to pick a winner?" I ask them.

"Nah, I think we all win," Keith says, and everyone nods in agreement. "So... it's not really a competition. We lied."

"Sorta, but wanna get started?" Shayne exclaims at the camera. "Because I will beat all of you so bad with my send-off."

"It's not a competition," Damien and Ian chorus.

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