7. 4:18 A.M.

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Heyo! Are you all doing good wherever you are?

Speaking of being in different places, my Smosh merch is now being processed! I ordered it two months ago, but DHL services in the Philippines were stopped for a while because of the pandemic, so it wasn't processed. Probably in a week or so, it'll be here, and I can't wait for it to arrive! So excited, though I kinda now wish I ordered a tie dye hoodie too to cut a bit on the shipping fee. Maybe next time when I have money again... which is... I dunno... :(

For Filo Smosh fans wondering, I'll post a way of ordering if you guys need it and some tips to go with as well. Just let me know, or you can message me!

Anyway, let's get started with Shayne's POV and see ya!


It's been a couple of weeks since the Exes Closure video, which received positive feedback from the viewers thankfully. Ian thought it was too big of a risk for a video, but it turned out well. What's even better is that I managed to ask Alex out on a date yesterday. But... yeah, I'll just explain later.

It's four in the morning, and I can't stop thinking about something being off in that date. So of course, I call the only person who would understand and would probably be either not yet asleep or already awake at this hour. When I call her though, she doesn't respond, so I call her twice, thrice, until she responds in the fourth time. "What up?" Courtney asks, her voice slightly rough as she coughs. "You woke me up, man."

"Oh, sorry, want me to call later?" I reply, sighing.

"It's cool, what's up?" she says, and I hear a bit of beeping in the background.

"What's that?" I ask her. "What's beeping behind you? That's loud."

"Oh, uh... nothing!" she exclaims, almost close to shouting. "It's just, um... my microwave! I was, erm, um... can you call in, like, five minutes?"

"Sure thing," I mumble, confused before waiting for five minutes to call again. "Hey, doing okay?"

"Yeah, yeah," she replies, catching her breath a little. "Totally doing okay. What's up? Why'd you call?"

I sigh and pinch the bridge of my nose before explaining, "Okay, so yesterday, I went on a date with Alex. I asked her if she wanted to get dinner and then maybe drinks afterwards, and everything went well. Really well if you ask me, but there's just something that threw me off and I really don't know why."

"What was it?" she says, coughing yet again. "Sorry, I drank this... um, ice-cold drink last night. Probably shouldn't have."

"It's fine," I assure her. "Uh, so... I was called in by Marvel last night about that role I wanted to audition for, and I think I screamed so hard it echoed through---"

"YOU'RE GONNA AUDITION FOR A MARVEL ROLE?!" Courtney shouts, surprising me. "Dude! Why didn't you tell us? Oh my God, congrats, dude! That's awesome!"

"Thanks, thanks," I reply, smiling. "I haven't told you guys because, you know, it happened during the date. And I watched her reaction, and it was, like... as if she didn't want me to audition for the big Marvel role. But getting a role in Marvel is ultimately an easy way to launch a career, and she didn't even rejoice like you did. It just... really threw me off."

"Wow, dating before Doomsday?" she asks, snickering. "Bold move, Shayne. But hey, maybe Alex was just taken aback by the suddenness of it all. What else happened during the date? Did you guys, uh... make out or something?"

"Nah," I answer, sighing. "Maybe that's why it felt off. No good night kiss or whatever. That's the cherry on top of a date, and it didn't happen. But who cares about making out? I know I'm damn terrified of commitment, but why did her reaction throw me off like that?"

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