4. 11:27 A.M.

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Heeeeey there! How are you all doing?

500+ reads! *very loud airhorns* Thanks a whole bunch, guys, friendos, babes, and you peeps! I'm glad you guys are liking it so far. Really too bad that I've planned this to have only 12 chapters, and basically we're 1/3 through. But hey, thanks a whole bunch for the support and the love; I'm sending it right back at ya!

As you may know, I sprained my right wrist yesterday while cleaning, so majority of this chapter is voice-typed (voice-texted?). I do apologize for any mistakes in terms of grammar and spelling, I correct most of them with my left hand. Updates may get delayed, but only for a short period of time.

Anyway, let's start with Courtney's POV and see ya!



Uh... I can explain how we went from drinks to literally the scariest day of my life.

"Hit me," Ian tells us as he leans back in his seat, and Shayne confusedly smacks him on the arm. "Ow! I mean, hit me with your proposal. What is with you two and smacking me? I know I'm smack-able, but ow...?"

"Oh, sorry," Shayne says, doing a peace sign, which was weird of him. "Uh, so basically, Courtney and I thought of this idea out of no ominous influence."

"Mhm, none at all," I echo, shaking my head. "I would say, though, it's a bit inspired by what we talked about a few days ago. You know, the sands and the deserts and the wells."

"We call it the Bucket List," Shayne begins as he starts the slides. Only the three of us are occupying the Mythical meeting room, so I'm not sure why we're using the huge projector. Maybe for effects.

Shayne and I had finally finished creating our proposal for the Bucket List, and admittedly, we weren't sure if Ian was going to approve of it. All of the ideas we had planned were very costly on production, but we liked to think positively that the series would work well enough to generate its own funds and a bit more of the side for income. All of the ideas, also, were wacky and fun and things we've always wanted to do outside of acting and trying to make each other laugh and other challenges.

I had my limitations set for me, of course. Even though I was set to die on a specific date, I didn't really want to speed things up by doing reckless things which are harmful to my body. I asked Dr. Locke, and since we were still in the first stage of medication and working through the sickness, I didn't have much banned for me. Alcohol was limited now though, so I was only given a last chance to get drunk and none after that. When it came to eating, there wasn't much to be changed, but we were staying away from whatever had adverse effects to the body. When it came to formulating the ideas for the Bucket List, I had removed a lot of unsafe things, much to Shayne's dismay.

I haven't told him about my condition, though. Even though he was slowly improving his outlook on life (death, rather), I didn't want him to feel so much pressure on how he's going to die. Ian, however, has been keeping tabs on my condition and making sure I was in good shape to continue doing what I loved.

"So you have three meds for today, two for tomorrow, and then two again for the day after tomorrow," Ian said as he approached me in the kitchen. "Is that right?"

"Yeah, spot-on, wow," I remarked, high-fiving him. "Thanks for making this thing a lot easier for me. I'm glad I can tell you about it."

"No one else knows?" he asked, and I shook my head. "That sucks, but you don't have to tell everyone if you don't feel like doing so, okay?"

But hey, maybe things were gonna go great. Normally, I'd be really negative about this, especially because there's no denial that we're gonna leave Earth in a matter of months now, but something about it kinda makes me want to do better in everything I can do. It's also too bad I won't get to do a lot of things I've always wanted to do, so I've crossed off getting engaged, getting married, getting kids, and getting grandkids off my own list.

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