Prologue : The Lycan and The Vampire

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"Xichen, be careful on where you're stepping." Lan Qiren warned the twelve-year-old Lan Xichen. The troop has been wondering the forest for a while now. They've been patrolling the area, making sure no intruders trespassed.

A long time ago, the Vampire clan and Lycan clan cohabit with each other. Everything was in harmony, until one day, the Lycan clan's leader planned to rule the whole region. Vampires do not want that idea and raged. A war occurred, now dividing the region into two, the Gusu where the Vampire clan residing and the Yunmeng where the Lycans rule. The forest between the two clans was also divided, half of it belongs to the Vampires and half to the Lycans.

Lan Xichen, a twelve-year-old boy, came along in patrolling. He is the next in line clan leader. Since his father/clan leader died, the responsibility is weighed on him. But since he's not in the right age yet, his uncle Lan Qiren is temporarily in charge of leading the clan, until Xichen is ready.

As they were walking around, he heard a rustle of leaves not far from where they are patrolling. His eyes gaze at where it came from. He looked up his fellow if anyone will notice him disappear from the formation. He sighed in relief that everyone seems busy.

He sneaked out, following the sound of rustling leaves. He can hear it behind the bush. Upon parting the bush, he saw a puppy or so he thought. He approached it, the puppy is whimpering in pain as blood gush out of his wound on his hind leg.

He immediately gets the medicine on his inner pocket and gently patting it on his wound. The puppy just whimpers on his lap. "Shh, It'll be okay." He soothed as he blows on his wound.

The puppy seemed to calm, he smiled. 'Who would leave a poor puppy in the middle of the forest?' he asked in his mind as he stares at it. Just then it transformed, his eyes went wide. It was a Lycan, a kid lycan. It was sleeping peacefully in his lap, the elders always tell him to never go near a Lycan because they are dangerous. But this one, he looks vulnerable.

He wants to touch his hair but he's hesitating. Just then the kid Lycan opened his eyes. He jolted, that was a surprise. The kid Lycan stared at him innocently.

"Are you okay now?" Lan Xichen asked, his cheeks are blushing.

The kid lycan nodded slowly but never averted his eyes away from Lan Xichen. But then Lan Xichen jolted again when he felt a warm hand on his cheeks, he immediately turns away.

"You're tomato red." The kid lycan uttered, with his eyes examining Lan Xichen.

"I'm fine," He said with his trembling voice, he's too embarrassed to face the kid lycan with his tomato face.

The kid lycan sat properly and smiled at him. "Thank you for this." He giggled and pointed at his bandaged wound.

"It was nothing" He uttered, never bothered to look at him.

"My name's Wanyin, Jiang Wanyin!" He cheered at smiled widely at him. He looked at him in peripheral vision, 'He's so cute, a puppy indeed' he thought to himself.

"I-i'm Lan X-Xichen. A-a v-vampire." He stuttered. He thought Wanyin would be afraid of him but he was surprised at his reaction, Wanyin's eyes were sparkling as if he saw something he admired.

"R-really? You're a vampire?" Wanyin said happily, his tail wags happily too.

"Y-yes." he's too embarrassed, his cheeks are burning again.

"Mom and dad would always tell me, vampires are dangerous that we should not get close." he pouted. " But seeing you up close and you also helped me, I guess they are just lying to me. You don't know how happy I am to meet a vampire!" he said happily and jump on his seat.

"R-really?" He stuttered.

"Yes, and by the way, aren't vampires drink blood?" Wanyin asked with confusion on his tone.

"We've been practicing non-blood food for ages." He explained.

"Oh that's wh---" Wanyin was cut off when...

"Master Xichen! where are you?" One of the vampires called out.

Their eyes both went wide. Lan Xichen would be in trouble when someone will find out that he is hanging out with a Lycan, so as for Wanyin.

"I need to go now." said nervously and stood up.

But Wanyin grabbed his arm, "Am I going to see you again?" He asked with his puppy eyes.

Lan Xichen gulped as he looks down at him. He can't seem to resist him. He handkerchief from his inner pocket and a small knife. He gave the handkerchief to Wanyin, "Keep this, I promise to see you again" He smiled at him.

He approached a tree and start scratching on it. "And this tree, will the place where we can meet." He explained, writing the word "Ai". He doesn't know why but that word just popped out of his head.

Wanyin listened intently and nodded.

"Where could he have been? we've looked everywhere. And see that, it's the tallest tree that divides the clans" a vampire said to his companion as he points to the tallest tree, Lan Xichen was alerted since he can hear it getting nearer.

"I will see you again, my friend. Take care of yourself." He smiled at him and waved goodbye. Wanyin smiled back and stood, limping to hide behind the trees on the Lycan's territory.

Lan Xichen jumped out of the bush, "I'm here! I just saw a butterfly went there." He lied, giggling while he scratches his head.

"Master Qiren were worried." the vampire said and guided Lan Xichen.

"Why would he be worried? I'm a strong vampire, and I'm a big boy now." He said and snickered.

On the other hand, Wanyin smiled as he watches Lan Xichen walked with the other vampires. He never felt that happy before, since he was the child of the clan leader plus he's mostly ill-tempered (That he didn't realize himself), he'd been feared of other child lycans, so he doesn't have any friends.

He giggled as he looked at the hanky that Lan Xichen gave. "See you again, soon" He smiled and put it in his inner pocket.


Picture source: Pinterest

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