Chapter 19: Out in the Open

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"Uncle, the leader of the lycans sent us a message." Lan Xichen handed the letter to Lan Qiren.

Lan Qiren's brows met. "It's rare to receive a message from the lycans" He uttered and opened the message.

He nodded as he read carefully.

"What does it say, uncle?" Lan Xichen asked curiously, though he knew already what is written on it from what Jiang Cheng said. His heart is beating fast as he waits for his uncle's answer. Now, he's praying that his uncle will accept.

"The lycans wants to stop the fight." He started. Lan Xichen anticipates every word his uncle would utter.

"They need our help to fight against the merfolks. They said that the mermaids and mermen are killed by them." He rests his chin on his fingers.

Lan Xichen watches him as he observes his uncle's expression.

"Wei clan is the first strongest army among the clans and they were just wiped out in an instant by the merfolk. Just how strong is the merfolks?" He said with his brows met.

Just then Lan Zhan came inside, overhearing what Lan Xichen and Lan Qiren were talking about.

"The mermaids are wiped out?" He asked. Lan Xichen can see the worriedness on Lan Zhan's eyes.

"Oh Wangji, we got a message from the lycans. They are asking for help. The merfolks siege the strongest army of the Wei clan, mermaids, and mermen are wiped out." Lan Qiren answered.

Lan Zhan swallowed the lump on his throat as he bows. "If you'll excuse me." He turns his back. His voice almost cracked. Lan Xichen felt the strange atmosphere on Lan Zhan.

"What's with him?" Lan Qiren looked at Lan Xichen and asked.

Lan Xichen already knew what is worrying Lan Zhan.

"Xichen." Lan Qiren snapped at him that made him look at him.

"I think it's his usual self, uncle." He forced a smile.

Lan Qiren nodded, "Well then, for the peacefulness of the land I'll accept their offer." He uttered that made Lan Xichen's inside rejoiced. Their wish came true.

"But that won't change the fact that lycans and vampires are enemies." Lan Qiren continued.

At least it's a great opportunity. And surely, little by little, everything will be in peace and their forbidden love will be accepted.

"Then I'll be sending a letter to the lycans that they can come here for the meeting." Lan Xichen bowed and smiled secretly.

"And also tell the other disciples to clean the rooms for our guests. The Phoenix clan and feline tribe will be here too with the lycans to discuss this matter." Lan Qiren said and held his brush.

"Yes, uncle" Lan Xichen bowed again and went out of the room.

As Lan Xichen finally got out, he grinned widely. Jiang Cheng and he can spend time together at the cloud recesses.

But then his smile fade when he saw Lan Zhan staring at the moon, tears are flowing from his eyes. He sighed and approached Lan Zhan.

"Wangji" He called out. Lan Zhan didn't budge.

"I'm sorry about what happened." He said as he pats Lan Zhan's back. It's the first time that he saw Lan Zhan cry. Even the death of their parents, he never cried. He just stared blankly at their coffins.

"Brother." Lan Zhan spoke, he's still staring at the moon.

Lan Xichen kept quiet as he waits for what Lan Zhan going to say.

"Do you have someone you want to protect?" He suddenly asked.

Lan Xichen smiled as he thought of Jiang Cheng when his brother asked that.

"Yes," He answered, smiling from ear to ear.

"I, too. But I failed." He said with his sad voice. Lan Xichen's smile vanishes at what his brother suddenly uttered.

"You did your best Wangji." Lan Xichen reassured and patted his back.

Lan Zhan looked at him and he gave him a smile of encouragement.

"I'll be going now. Don't let uncle catch you in that state. You should clear your mind first." Lan Xichen said and went to his chambers to prepare the letter. His feeling different emotions today, he felt sad for Lan Zhan yet he's happy that he'll be able to see Jiang Cheng again, now, without hiding.


After the letter was delivered, the sun shone brightly as the lycans prepared for their visit to cloud recesses.

"Wei Ying you can ride on my back, we'll be transforming into our forms so we can arrive early at the Cloud recesses." Jiang Cheng said as he slowly transforms himself into his wolf form.

Now they are ready to travel, as a lycan, they can move fast with their feet in their original form than in their human form.

Everyone is set and already on their wolf form.

"The Nie clan and Jin clan probably arrived there earlier than us." Jiang Fengmian uttered. He is position at the back as he was the leader.

"Then let's move." Yu Ziyuan exclaimed and everyone ran with their might.

Wei Ying held on to Jiang Cheng's back tight as it was a bumpy ride.


They arrived at the Cloud recesses before the sunset.

They immediately transform back to their human form as they finally step foot at the entrance.

Lan Xichen is at the entrance, excitedly waiting for their arrival. As he spots Jiang Cheng at the pack his wide smile suddenly popped out. Jiang Cheng smiled back. Lan Xichen then realized that they are not alone together and bowed at Jiang Fengmian.

"Welcome to Cloud Recesses leader Jiang." He said politely. Jiang Fengmian bowed back, " I'm delighted that you accepted our request." Jiang Fengmian uttered.

"Please, this way." Lan Xichen guided them as he secretly peeks at Jiang Cheng, Jiang titter silently as he catches him.

It was always in the forest when they meet, so it feels different now that he's looking at him in a different setting. His heart is thumping fast just by being with Jiang Cheng.

As they walk inside, Lan Xichen keeps on peeking at Jiang Cheng, so as Jiang Cheng. Wei Ying nudged Jiang Cheng on his waist. "It's him?" He whispered.

"Is it obvious?" He whispered back as he keeps on smiling at himself when he and Lan Xichen's eyes met.

"It's because I know you have a lover, but I think the rest doesn't know." Wei Ying answered.


Jiang Cheng noticed Wei Ying look around. Then Wei Ying's eyes darted on something, or rather, someone. He trailed a look at what he is looking at. 'Is that Xichen's brother?' he thought. 'What a coincidence,' he said in his mind.

Wei Ying unconsciously stops on his tracks that made everyone look at him.

"Is there a problem, Wei Ying?" Jiang Fengmian asked.

"a-ah n-nothing." He stuttered and forced a smile.

"Okay then. Tell us when you have worries." Jiang Fengmain said and continued walking again. Everyone is worried about him but they know that they can't force him to say what's bothering him so they shrugged it off.

Wei Ying just absent-mindedly followed and kept quiet the whole journey. Jiang Cheng observed him and felt sad for him. But then he turns his gaze to Lan Xichen, who he caught looking at him as well.

"It will be okay," he mouthed to Jiang Cheng and smiled with reassurance.


Recap again hahaha From chapter 10 of Unending (WangXian FF). Good night and good dayyyy~

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