Chapter 3: Seduce

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"This is your room," Lan Xichen uttered upon arriving on the designated room for the visitors.

"Thank you, would you like to go inside?" Jin Guangyao invited as he walked to the door to open it.

"Thank you for your invitation Master Jin but I have to decline, have a nice rest." Lan Xichen said politely and bowed at him.

"oh, that's unfortunate, then when I invite you next time you should accept it, okay?" He said and smiled wide at him.

Lan Xichen smiled awkwardly, he wants to decline the offer but he doesn't want to upset the visitor.

"Come on, just for once." He said persistently and tried getting him with his puppy eyes, but it won't work for Lan Xichen.

He sighed, "I will look into it, master Jin. Thank you," He answered and bowed once again.

Jin Guangyao is unsatisfied with that answer, his brows met. 'is he playing hard to get?' he said in his mind.

"Then I'll take my leave, Master Jin. Rest well." He wished him and turn his heel as he took a step and walked farther away the chamber.

Jin Guangyao felt rejected, his brows are furrowed and his fist are clenched. "I will get want I want, and with this face he won't be able to say no to me," He stomped his feet to the bed.

"just you wait," He smirked.


"Ah, I kind of miss Jiang Cheng," He talked to himself as he walk to wherever his feet are taking him.

He sighed, "The moon is so bright, makes me want to be together with him," He smiled to himself as he remembers how clingy Jiang Cheng was when it's full moon.

"Should I sneak out and see if he's on our place? Hm, maybe uncle doesn't need me there anymore." He debates with himself.

Then he nodded, "Right! I'll go there," he smiled with triumph as he came to a decision.


With his vampire speed, he arrived at the spot without taking time.

He peaked from the bush, and he's right. Jiang Cheng is peacefully curled on the short grass bed. He's in his lycan form. Beams of the moonlight are lighting straight to Jiang Cheng's body. His fur is glistening beautifully from he light of the moon.

Lan Xichen stared at him, he admired the beauty Jiang Cheng is holding even if he's on his beast form.

Just then, Jiang Cheng's ears twitch. His hearing are sensitive that even small rustling sounds are making him alert.

He immediately opened his eyes and bobbed his head up to look who it was.

Lan Xichen smiled, the surprise face on Jiang Cheng made him titter.

"Xichen!" he stood from his lying and run to Lan Xichen.

"hey," Lan Xichen greeted and caress his fur of his head.

Jiang Cheng giggled as he enjoys the treatment lan Xichen is giving.

"Let go of me first and let's sit there," Lan Xichen pointed at the roots of the tree.

Jiang Cheng immediately oblige and run to the roots of the tree as he wait for Lan Xichen to take his sit.

Lan Xichen just shook his head and chuckled at his mischievousness. He sat on the root of the tree. Jiang Cheng immediately rest his head on Lan Xichen's lap. His tail is waving like an excited puppy waiting for a pet.

Lan Xichen chuckled and rest his hands on Jiang Cheng's fur, it was smooth that him as well are getting so comfortable.

"Say Xichen, why are you here? I thought you were needed at Cloud Recesses?" Jiang Cheng asked with is eyes close and his tail is wagging.

"I feel so suffocated there, and I don't think uncle needs me there at this moment." He said as he rest his back on the trunk of the tree as he caress Jiang Cheng's fur gently.

"Oh, I see. Then you came to the right place!" Jiang Cheng tittered.

Lan Xichen's cheeks turned pink, he's always captivated by Jiang Cheng's giggles and laughs even though he always see it.

He looked away, "It's also because I missed you," He mumbled.

Jiang Cheng opened his eyes, he didn't quite grasp what Lan Xichen said.

He looked at him and tilted his head, "Did you say miss? I didn't heard the whole thing, repeat it!" He whined.

lan Xichen just looked away, "I didn't say anything," He denied.

"I heard you said something! tell me, tell me!" He exclaimed persistently.

"I told you, I did not said a thing." He denies again.

"You're such a liar," He pouted.

Lan Xichen sighed and pull Jiang Cheng's head to lay on his lap again, "I just thought you were lonely so I came here," He lied and caress his fur again.

Jiang Cheng calmed down after feeling Lan Xichen's touch on his fur, he closed his eyes again.

"I like you touching me," Jiang Cheng mumbled but enough for Lan Xichen to hear.

Lan Xichen's heart suddenly raced, the unexplained feeling again. It always occur when he's with Jiang Cheng.

"Y-yeah," He answered, his heart won't stop. But it's not hurting or anything, it was a beat with full of bliss that he wants to experience over and over.


They spent all night at that place then they parted ways early in the morning.

Lan Xichen needs to come back at the Cloud Recesses or his uncle might fond out that he sneaked out.

He arrived at the Cloud Recess with just Lan disciples lurking around, doing their chores and preparations for the breakfast of the visitors.

"Good morning, clan leader," The disciples who he pass by bow and greet him.

"Is everything prepared?" He asked at one of the disciples.

She bowed, "Yes, clan leader." she answered.

"Then let's juts wait for our visitors to wake up. Please proceed to the designated room you intend to look after so you can guide them in the hall for breakfast," He commanded.

The disciples bowed at him as they did what Lan Xichen told them to do.

Just when the disciples dispersed, Jin Guangyao came running to Lan Xichen.

"Good morning Master Lan!" greeted cheerfully.

"Good morning master Jin, you're up early. Did you rest well?" Lan Xichen asked casually.

"Yep! Thanks to you," He giggled.

"Good to know, the hall is ready for the breakfast master Jin, should I escort you there?" Lan Xichen asked.

"Yes please!" He answered happily as he walked beside Lan Xichen.

As they made their way at the hall, Jin Guangyao suddenly turn his gaze on Lan Xichen.

"Say, Master Lan, how about you accompany me at the village this afternoon?" He asked and smiled, his deep dimples showing.

"I think the Cloud Recesses would be busy with the daylight are up, Master Jin." he answered.

"Hmp, But I asked my brother to check on the schedules this day, and it's not that hectic." He pouted.

Lan Xichen sighed, he was planning to visit Jiang Cheng this afternoon at their usual place but he guess he needs to postpone it on the mean time.

"Okay," He answered that made Jin Guangyao's face beam.

"Really?! I'm looking forward to it." He exclaimed excitedly.


picture source: Pinterest

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