Chapter 8: Bracelet

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After escorting back Jin Guangyao in his room, Lan Xichen immediately ascended to the middle of the forest to find Jiang Cheng. It was another exhausting day and he needs to recharge. Jiang Cheng is the only person who can remove his tiredness, even if they are just sitting the roots of the tree or lying on short-grass bed.

He arrived at their usual spot with his wide smile, he's happy again to be relieved from his exhausting work. He immediately spotted Jiang Cheng seated on the roots of the tree. He is crouching while hugging his knees. His brows met, the wide smile he is radiating suddenly disappeared after seeing Jiang Cheng with that gloomy aura.

He went near him, it is unusual that he's not even bothered by the rustling sounds he is making. But he usually looks up immediately when he hears him approaching.

'something's wrong' Lan Xichen thought. He crouches beside Jiang Cheng and sighed.

"A'cheng," he called. Jiang Cheng didn't look up, thus, he stayed at his position.

"What's the matter?" Lan Xichen asked and patted his back.

Jiang Cheng didn't speak and he remained silent.

Then, Lan Xichen reached out to his face but he immediately slaps away his hand. Lan Xichen was caught by surprise at what he did. He tried reaching out again but Jiang Cheng was about to slap him, but he immediately caught his hand and use his other hand to lift his face up.

"What happened?" He asked worriedly and looked at him with his worried eyes, he knows something is bothering Jiang Cheng.

Jiang Cheng's eyes darted on the hand where the bracelet is worn. His rage inside him ignited again. Seeing that thing made him want to just rip it out of his wrist. But he can't do that. He doesn't know why is he getting angry at but his body reacts to the things he saw earlier and to the bracelet that was given to him.

"Nice, bracelet." He sarcastically complimented with his cold tone, not looking straight at his eyes.

Lan Xichen was taken aback. He has never seen Jiang Cheng in that expression before.

"Oh, this? I was excited to see you that I forgot to throw it," lan Xichen smiled and removed the bracelet. Jiang Cheng's heartbeat suddenly raced and his cheeks flushed at what he said.

Jiang Cheng looked away to hide his face, "Why? It was from your friend," he suddenly uttered but immediately cupped his mouth. 'oof, I slipped,' he thought.

"You were in the village?" Lan Xichen asked and tried catching Jiang Cheng's eyes but he purposely avoided it. He threw the bracelet somewhere and tittered.

"Oh, that's what you saw?" He laughed and put his hand on top of Jiang Cheng's hand.

"He is one of the visitors at our Clan, Uncle Qiren advised me to accompany him. It was all work." He continued and smiled.

Jiang Cheng looked away, "I know that," he answered. He was embarrassed that he's angry about something not trivial.

"Let me guess, you were thinking that I'm spending my spare time with someone and not working, am I right?" he asked teasingly.

"Shut up! You're holding my hand again, I know you're reading my thoughts," he scoffed and pulled his hand away from him.

Lan Xichen laughed, "I did not read it all, though. I just want to know your reactions." He teased.

"Can you stop using your ability on me?" He glared at him and scoot inches farther away from him.

"yes, yes, I'm sorry." Lan Xichen chuckled and scoot closer to him.

"let me rest, I feel so tired." He said and rest his head on his shoulder and closed his eyes.

Jiang Cheng looked at him, he smiled. The peaceful face of Lan Xichen, when he's with him, vanishes all his worries away. The attractive eyebrows, his not long but not too short eyelashes, the point of his nose, the thin lips, and his cleft chin. He can see it all clearly, for how many years that their always been together, it's the first that he observed him that clearly. 'beautiful' Jiang Cheng thought. There it goes again, his heart is beating fast that he cannot keep up, butterflies in his stomach are fluttering inside him, and his hands have the urge to touch him.

But he refuses to be taken but that unexplained feeling. He looked up at the moon. Whatever is stirring him up, he better not let it out or everything will not be back to the way it is.


"A'cheng?" Lan Xichen taps Jiang Cheng's cheeks to wake him up.

"hm?" he groaned as he slowly opened his eyes. He fell asleep after overthinking.

"Let's head back or we'll get caught," he said and smiled.

"Just a bit more," he said and rest his head back to his shoulder.

"But they will find out that we're not on our own rooms," he chuckled and ruffled his hair.

"Come on before they notice!" he said and shook his shoulder to wake Jiang Cheng.

He opened his eyes slowly and scratches his left eye, "Is it midnight already?" he yawned.

"yes, you quite slept for a few hours," Lan Xichen chuckled.

"Who knows, I was too tired." He answered and supported his body to get up from his sitting position.

lan Xichen stood up as well, he chuckled. "In the afternoon, if you're not busy, I will be here. the visitors will be going home this morning so we'll be having time. Is that better?" He asked.

"Looks good to me," Jiang Cheng stretched his arms above his head.

"Then, let's get going. Take care on your way home." Lan Xichen bid and patted his shoulder.

"Same to you, as well." He said and turned his heel in the opposite direction.

Lan Xichen watched him vanish from his sight first before he goes home, himself. He smiled, "I'll be looking forward to this afternoon." he said to himself.


Unending: Hybrid (Lan Xichen X Jiang Cheng) || Fantasy AUWhere stories live. Discover now