Chapter 1- A Great 'Failure'

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Britain waved at the French country as she drove off in the distance with Australia and New Zealand. He just stood there by the door frame of his large house, not intending to do anything other than stand there, thinking about what's going to happen next.

"In 2 months that will be America and Canada in the car." He said, conveying no emotion in his tone.

He meant them moving out, leaving him in this giant house with nothing to do for the rest of his life. He doubted they'll remember he existed in a months time after they leave. But somehow, that never seemed to bother him. He knew this day would come, the day France would get so fed up with him she would leave, the day he would be sitting alone on his bed, just staring at a wall of shame. Yet he seemed to not notice his impending fate, he seemed to already be living it. Already isolating himself from others, always refusing to speak in meetings.

Ever since he realised he served no purpose whatsoever, had nothing better to do than just try to live for a few years longer.

Now this, children, is called depression.

This sadness he was feeling felt like a sword ripped though his heart, and all his emotions just escaped from what was left of his happiness. It wasn't like he was a happy man before, he was far from happy. Some called him a monster for what he'd done, but all he could say to that was.

"Yeah, time flies doesn't it?"

All he truly wanted was to be loved, and now that doesn't look like an option any more. So now all he could do was do his job at the EU and not get fired. That can't be that hard can it?



"Bye kids." Britain said wearily to his sons as he hastily shoved on his hat and posh black jacket.

His kids just murmured a reply, not paying attention to their father as they make their way to the kitchen. Britain sighed and looked at his watch for the last time before going.


He was going to be late for the 3rd time this week, so he had to go fast. You see, he couldn't lose his job, not now. He'd lose his reputation, any respect that he had, and he had to pay to live. To pay the rent, the groceries, the electricity. Everything.

He grasped onto his suitcase as he made his way in the car and slammed down on the accelerator. He felt himself being pushed back in his seat as he felt the car's force coursing through. And yes, this wasn't the first time he'd done this. He either oversleeps or reminisces about life for too long on his bed to get him to this point. He even cut breakfast out of his schedule because it 'wasn't mandatory' or he was just getting too late. Yes, he knew the dangers of his peculiar routine, but it was good enough for him.

He shoved his foot on the brakes and felt the car tilt forward, leading the back wheels to leave the ground for a short few seconds before crashing onto its four wheels again. He looked at his watch and let out an annoyed groan.

5 minutes late?

Damn, he's late again.

He got out of the car, defeated, and proceeded to open his door and make his way to his room to inevitably meet his fate. He prayed EU wouldn't be there, but by now he already knew he would be.

The thing is though, apart of him wanted to leave this hell-hole of a job. Every time he would try to leave, another part of him would pull him back. Or that could just be the British Isles. Those guys never seem to stop fighting.

He opened the door, and what do you know, it was the EU.

"To be honest I never thought you would actually show up today." He said, looking the Brit up and down.

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