let's fuck shit up

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hi ! this is based the new released national team !! it's not a chapter 402 spoiler, but it was really recent, so if you hadn't read the manga, i'd advise you not to read this !!


hinata created national team here we go

hinata added kags, bokubro, tsumu, sakusa, ushijima and 5 others

hinata: hey! i figured it'll be easier to communicate this way, instead of privately texting about practice

hoshi: idk what made u think this is gonna be used for practice lmao

gao: I regret this already

sakusa: is this necessary

komori: are u necessary
komori: wait im sorry

tsumu: LMFAO rip motoya

bokubro: no sakusa we need himmm

yaku: go wild, i'll take his place when needed

hyakuzawa: let's not kill each other

komori: yes, listen to hyakuzawa

sakusa: stfu

komori: this is homophobia

ushijima: that's illogical, he's gay too

komori: internalized homophobia, keep up w the times
komori: have u seen him he looks 2 seconds away from killing himself

kags: ur basically begging for death

sakusa: you're*
sakusa: motoya, run

tsumu: ah shit, here we go again

hoshi: sachirou just said that kageyama and hinata's sexual tension is unbearable
hoshi: this is gold

gao: he wasn't wrong

sakusa: ^

yaku: ^

hinata: NO WTF

tsumu: gay panicking already huh

hinata: no

bokubro: if u ever need help your favorite senpai is always here!!!

tsumu: yea, me <3

sakusa: no <3

yaku: no <3

kags: no <3

komori: no <3

hoshi: no <3

hyakuzawa: no <3

bokubro: no <3

gao: ... no <3

tsumu: wtf y'all
tsumu: ushi seems like the only one i can trust

ushijima: thank you.

hinata: dont listen to them youre great atsumu-san!
hinata: but bokuto-san is my favorite senpai

sakusa: hah

bokubro: THANK YOU HINATA!!!

yaku: you're that unsuccessful huh, atsumu

komori: nice kill

tsumu: i hate yall
tsumu: ooo motoya is alive ??

komori: hell yeah, i went to get onigiri so kiyo can't find me

sakusa: onigiri miya. got it

komori: fuck

tsumu: suna will hide ya
tsumu: so back to the sexual tension between shouyou-kun and tobio-kun,,

national team here we goWhere stories live. Discover now