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ninja shouyou! ✓ @hinata.s
our gym is a mess and it's all bokuto-sans fault
4.3k 🗨️ 3.9k ⟲ 7.7k ♡

sakusa k. ✓ @sakusa
it's on the both of you, don't just blame him
3.2k 🗨️ 3.4k ⟲ 7.0k ♡

miya atsumu ✓ @atsumu
wdym his fault lmaooo you were part of it
3.0k 🗨️ 3.2k ⟲ 6.8k ♡

miya atsumu ✓ @atsumu
both. of. them.
[video of Bokuto pushing a volleyball cart at full speed with Hinata on it, proceeding to crash 10 seconds later. Sakusa shaking his head and sighing beside him.]
4.0k 🗨️ 4.1k ⟲ 7.3k ♡


gao: bokuto hinata uh

iwaizumi: are u guys ok-

bokuto: completely fine!!!!

hyakuzawa: *just hinata

yaku: yea he was the one who fell with a cart on top of him not you

bokuto: :(

sakusa: meian-san's doing a checkup on him right now
sakusa: can't wait to watch them be threatened by our coach

kags: threatened...?

atsumu: benched the next game LMAO

ushijima: that would be bad.
ushijima: unless we're against them, i would not mind.


aran: i hate it here

komori: no you don't shut up

aran: im ?????

yaku: i'm going back to sleep wtf

hyakuzawa: what time is it in russia????

yaku: 8am but that doesn't matter

gao: wtf oh god

iwaizumi: do u not have practice

yaku: nah i'm free today

atsumu: loser

yaku: shut up benchwarmer

atsumu: komori come take his place the next game thanks <3

komori: ofc <3

bokuto: shit i see meian-san

sakusa: no one is helping you, have fun

ushijima: hopefully you get benched.

bokuto: "yaku: shut up benchwarmer"

ushijima: uncalled for.

gao: u kinda did ask for it

sakusa: "yaku: shut up benchwarmer"

komori: sakusa wtf


miya atsumu ✓ @atsumu
the two idiots are getting scolded this is too funny
4.3k 🗨️ 4.6k ⟲ 8.8k ♡

sakusa k. ✓ @sakusa
wait till you're next
4.0k 🗨️ 4.3k ⟲ 7.9k ♡

miya atsumu ✓ @atsumu
@sakusa i would neverrrrr
3.9k 🗨️ 3.7k ⟲ 6.5k ♡

atsumu stan | #SAKUATSU @godtsumu
the way everyone know who exactly he's talking about despite him not mentioning the name lmaoo
1.8k 🗨️ 1.2k ⟲ 3.1k ♡

miya atsumu ✓ @atsumu
@godtsumu we deal with it so often that everyone knows <3
4.0k 🗨️ 3.6k ⟲ 6.2k ♡

atsumu stan | #SAKUATSU @godtsumu
632 🗨️ 521 ⟲ 1.2k ♡

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