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They've arrived at the movie theater. They were allowed to go inside at around 15 minutes, so they decided to go and buy some popcorn, soda, and a cheese burger. 

“Hmmm, yumyum” Astrid whispered as she dumped a shit ton of extra salt onto the bucket of popcorn. “Astrid what the fuck!?” Elliot asked disgustedly.

“That's enough, that's already an unhealthy amount of salt” Elliot gently grabbed her wrist and pulled it away from the bucket. 


“No buts, that's enough babe” Elliot placed the salt bottle back onto the counter. He looked back to see Astrid's pouting face. “stop that... ” he sighed and dragged her away.

They enter the cinema together, Elliot was dragged by Astrid onto the top row of seats. Astrid liked it there, she didn't have to look up to stare at the screen.

“God, the cinema is extra cold today” Astrid whispered. 

They placed their drinks into the cup holders and sat the food onto their laps. Elliot took out his phone and set it at a low brightness, quitely looking at something on his phone. Astrid didn't think too much of it, although she was curious, she didn't really need to know about everything he does. 

People slowly started to arrive, the movie they were watching was a new popular romcom (Astrid picked it). That wasn't Elliot's cup of tea, he wanted to try it for Astrid though, maybe he could get a laugh out of it. 

“Elliot” Astrid tapped Elliot's shoulder. 


“Can I have some popcorn?” she asked. The bucket was on Elliot's lap, cause he didn't trust that Astrid wouldn't eat the entirety of it before the movie even began. 

“One handful, that's it”

Astrid nodded. Elliot was about to hand her his popcorn, but the commercials suddenly started with a loud noise and it scared the absolute shit out of them. “Jesus fuck” Elliot mumbled as he placed the food on Astrid's palm. She giggled as she munched on her popcorn, watching the trailer for an upcoming horror movie. Who would've thought that the Campus hearthtrob would be this adorable?

“Wanna watch it when it comes out?” she asked. Elliot shrugged “You know we both hate horror movies right?”

“I dunno' seems fun” Astrid mumbled, while still chewing on her popcorn. It took her a second before she realized she already ate it all. “Elliot... ”


Sad. Truly depressing. But at least she had her french fries with her. 

The movie started, and the theater became quiet—at least everyone but the child got quiet. “Mhmm perfect, keep screaming you bitch”

“Astrid, it's just a child.” Elliot whispered, smirking at his soulmate's attitude.

“All children deserve death. Except good children; good children aren't spawn of satan”

He laughed. “Astrid, what the hell?” 

She ‘shhhh’ed Elliot, Leaning back and munching on the popcorn again. Finally

The female main character was a ‘quirky booknerd’ who had a crush on a ‘popular jock’ and is best friends with a ‘popular girl’. 

“Astrid...I've seen this before” Elliot whined “Or at least heard of this before”

“Oh hush, I heard there's a plot-twist at the end”

“The only acceptable plot-twist here is if one of them was gay” he reached over and locked hands with Astrid. She snickered and rested her head on Elliot's shoulder.  

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