Part 4 - Hurt and Kill

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It's late at night as Louise is sitting at the kitchen table drinking a hot cup of tea as shes staring in a trance rubbing her head in frustration when she hears the front door open and close. Louise looks at the door and Caleb walks in and Louise stands up and asks "Where you been?" Caleb says "Out" Louise nods and says "Yeah I can see that, listen I have to tell you something" Caleb unzips his leather jacket and Louise notices his blood stained t shirt and asks "Oh God is that blood?!" Caleb shrugs it off "Its nothing" and Louise shakes her head and says "What have you turned into?" Louise asks "Did you kill him?" Caleb looks down and she slaps him across the face and shouts "You piece of shit! I want you out by tomorrow!" Louise walks past him but he grasps hold of her wrist and says "Lou wait" and Louise rips her hand out of his grip and says "No I'm done with us, we arent getting married" and Louise storms off.

The next day Louise is laying in bed and she looks to the empty space beside her and deeply sighs when suddenly she sits up in bed and rips the covers off her and runs to the bathroom and puts her head over the toilet and vomits violently and Angel says as he gets out of his bedroom "Oh Shit that dont sound healthy. You alright?" Louise says in between breaths "I'm fine!" and she slams the door shut. Angel looks taken back and says "Good Morning to you too" and he walks downstairs. Louise wipes her mouth using her pyjama top sleeve and she slides down the wall beside the toilet and begins to cry.

That day Caleb is standing in the bedroom as Louise is packing his bag and Caleb says "Aw c'mon Louise this is stupid!" Louise shakes her head and says "I love you but is this what my life is gonna become? Waiting up all night for you while you're out all night hurting people!" Caleb says "Its my job! Victor got me off the streets! When I was kicked out of my parents and didn't have a place to stay or a job he was there. He gave me a place to stay and a job!" Louise says with teary eyes "Yeah and do you have to do for that job? Hurt and kill people! You're no better than the scum Bastards who shot down My Mom! Just take your bags and get out of my house. We're over, dont even think about contacting me" and Louise turns around and looks out the bedroom window and she silently cries as tears fall down her cheeks as Caleb picks up his bags that Louise packed and he looks at Louise one final time and walks out of the bedroom and sees Bobby standing at the top of the stairs with his arms folded across his chest and Caleb walks to the staircase and asks angrily "You happy?" Bobby smirks and replies "About you leaving? Yeah I am" and Caleb glares at Bobby and walks down the stairs.

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