Part 5 - Aren't Alone

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Louise is sitting at the kitchen table alone drinking a hot cup of tea when Jeremiah walks in the kitchen and says "There ya are" Louise smiles up at Jeremiah and says "Yep in the flesh" Jeremiah looks at Louise with sympathy. Jeremiah sits beside Louise at the kitchen table and he says "Bobby told me about you and Caleb splitting. I'm sorry" Louise shakes her head and folds her arms across her chest and says "Its fine, its better this way anyway" Jeremiah asks "How you holding up?" Louise shrugs her shoulders and says "Im fine Jerry" Jeremiah smiles warmly. After a moment Jeremiah asks "Whats going on?" Louise looks at her Older Brother intently and asks "What do you mean?" Jeremiah says "I know you Lou and I know when somethings troubling ya so spill" Louise shakes her head and she says "It don't matter Jer" Jeremiah says "I'm your Big Brother, you can tell me anything" after a short pause Louise speaks. "You're right something is going on and I cant tell anyone cause you all hate Caleb" Jeremiah asks with furrowed eyebrows "Im confused, whats he done? He's not hurt you has he?!" Louise shakes her head and says "What? God no" Jeremiah asks "Then whats going on?" Louise says "Im pregnant" Jeremiah face falls and he palms his mouth and says "Pregnant?! Aw Lou" Louise shakes her head and says "I have no one Jer, when the others find out they will hate me. I cant raise a baby with Caleb not when he works for Victor" and Jeremiah deeply sighs and Louise's eyes fill with tears and she breaks down crying "I cant do this Jer and I'm so scared. I want Mom" and Jeremiah is on the verge of tears as the image in front of him breaks his heart in two - his baby sister crying and scared and asking for their dead Mother. Jeremiah reaches his hand across the table and grasps Louise's hand and says "Hey, it will be okay. You aren't alone alright" and Louise smiles at Jeremiah.

That night Louise is laying on the bed drawing in her sketchpad when Angel stands in her doorway and he asks "You all good Sis?" Louise looks to Angel and nods "Yeah Bro im okay". Louise looks to Angel and notices his clothes as he is dressed to go outside and she asks "You heading out?" Angel nods and she asks "Where you off to?" Angel deeply sighs and Louise says answering her own question "Youre off to see Sofie right?" Angel nods and he says "I gotta go, Im already late" and Louise shakes her head and shouts after him as ge walks away "Be careful!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2020 ⏰

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