The tale

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It is an old tale, full of darkness and pain. It goes back to the beginnings of life. The life that is brought us to fulfill one challenge. It wasn't a tough challenge but lots of people couldn't succeed in the challenge. It says that everything you need to get through the challenge unharmed is to have a pure heart and a clear soul. The most failed challenges where because of murder. But there were a few cases where people were cursed.
Not everybody can curse a human. There are just a few humans that have the purest hearts that can curse somebody. Once the challenge is failed, it says that a mythical creature will arrive at your home and will take you with them. Those creatures are the envoys of death.
Nobody with a pure heart has ever seen them. But those who are cursed never come back.
Nobody alive has ever seen them.
And they will stay unseen

Remember one thing Through every dark night, there's a bright day after that. So no matter how hard it get, stick your chest out. Keep your head up, and handle it." – Tupac

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