Chapter 2.

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When I got home I noticed that there was a notification on my phone I opened it and it was from Anna. "Hey thanks for the ride" "ya anytime" I responded with. When I got home I just went up stairs did my homework took a shower and tried to go to bed but all I could think about was Anna I knew I had a crush on her but, we only just met and I don't think she is all the comfortable around me and neither am I, but oh well. Then I finally let myself fall asleep.

The next morning

I heard my alarm banging in my ear I quickly shut it off. I started to get ready as I was brushing my teeth I got a notification of my phone.


Hey do u mind giving me a ride
to school

                                            Ya ofc I'll be there in 15 mins
Ok thanks

I smiled as I responded so I finished getting ready ate some break fast and headed out the door. I pulled up to her house and she came jogging out as I said "well someone looks happy" "well I think we have P.E together" she said with a smile in her face "well now I can properly show you how to shoot a basketball" I joked around "hey don't think I wouldn't break your ankles" she said with playful anger "oh shiver me timbers" said while laughing. She rolled her eyes and signaled for me to start driving I turned on music and we started to sing and blast the music. After about 5 minutes I put my hand on her thigh she noticed and looked down smiled and blushed a bit. "You alright tomato" I said "I'm not red your lying" "oh ok if your not blushing then I must have magically put it on when we were driving" I said and smiled. We pulled up to the school and I got out and opened the door for her, we walked in the school and I walked her to math and she opened her arms for a hug I leaned In and gave her a big hug and rested my Ching on her head. I tried to pull away after a couple seconds but she did not let go. "Hey I got to go to class" " I know just a little longer" I smiled and gave her another 10 seconds as she slowly pulled away. I thing lifted her chin up and kissed her on the cheek she smiled and blushed as I waved.

After class ended I walked over to her math class and saw her standing there next to the door way she smiled as she saw me. I put my arm around her as we walked to the gym for P.E. We walked in and I went over to get a basketball and gave it to her and let her try and shoot it a couple of times. "Can you come help me" she said with a pouty face I shook my head and walked over to her I stood behind her and put my hands on her so I could guid her. She shot it up and it when in she had a little celebration. "So when are you going to break my ankles" I say "let's go right now I will cross you up" she say looking confident. I laugh as I give her the ball she tries to dribble around me but she can't.

After school

I saw Anna at the same place she was yesterday waiting for the bus so I run up to her pick her up by the legs and run with her to that car I drove her home the whole way with my hand on her thigh and my other hand on the steering wheel. When we get to her house I open the door for her and let her out. She get out and laches onto me her arms around my shoulder and I pick her up and she puts her legs around my waist as she hugs me tight and I rub her back. I start to walk with her on me up to her house, it seems that she does not want to let go of me. "Hey Anna are you ok" "ya I'm just ganna miss you. Will you sleep over tonight" she asked with puppy eyes. I mean it is Friday. "Ya" she lets go of me and smiles as she lets me inside.

I thought this was a good place to stop but the next chapter will be up probably tomorrow or later today idk. Give me suggestion of what you want to see happen. Also if you want my tiktok it's @anomymous08 I don't post on it but you can follow me if you want.

Anna and ag love storyWhere stories live. Discover now