Chapter 5 - Sudden Reality

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- Sunday, September 10th, 2006, Partly Cloudy, 6:30 pm.

The summer was long for everyone involved. The City was either getting beat down by the sun, or it was getting pummeled by rain. Mid September had finally brought some relief to the citizens with cool cloudy weather. Although Zim and Dib haven't properly spoken in 3 months, it didn't mean that neither one of them had each other and the kids occupy their minds. 

While Zim was studying them and preparing for their arrival, Dib was trying to get his finances in order by saving up all the money he got from his dad, selling stuff that he didn't need online, and taking odd jobs. Gaz helped with making trips to buy baby stuff as well. Dib and Gaz heard the door open downstairs.

"Children, I'm home!" Professor Membrane announced. Gaz and Dib stopped moving stuff around and headed downstairs.

"Hey, Dad..." Gaz said, "What are you doing home so early?"

"Oh I decided to take a few hours off from building an advanced robotic chef!" Professor Membrane said proudly, "However, I have to head back out around 9."

He then paused to notice the bags under Dib's eyes.

"Dib, you look more tired than usual. Are you alright, son?"

Dib didn't respond. He hadn't told his dad about everything. He only figured out that Zim was going to keep the kids three weeks ago, and his father hadn't been present for most of that.

"Uh.... I don't know how to tell you this..." Dib said.

"Hmmm... Well try," Professor Membrane said, "I can understand a whole lot you know."

The Professor chuckled. Dib didn't see a point in hiding this any longer.

"Um... let's go to the table first...." Dib said.

The Professor looked at him a bit concerned but gave a single nod.



The Membranes were all sitting at the kitchen table together. Dib was slouched over on the table, trying to force himself to say the news. Professor Membrane patiently waited for Dib to tell what he needed to say. He tapped his fingers on the table.

"So son, what needs to be told?" Professor Membrane asked.

Dib lifted his head and looked at his father. He was getting ready for the reaction on his face.

"...I'm going to be a dad..." Dib finally said.

Professor Membrane remained silent. Dib thought he could sense the look of disappointment his father must be giving him through his thick goggles. However, Professor Membrane didn't seem fully convinced. The man gave a head tilt of curiosity, then gave a single nod.

"Hmmm... alright. With?..."

"...Zim..." Dib said. Professor Membrane looked at him puzzled.

"But son, I thought you expressed your disdain for him?..."

"That mostly changed over the years... I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner..." Dib said.

Dib slightly suspected that his father didn't believe him.

"Well okay then. When is this child due?" Professor Membrane asked.

Gaz glared at her father, "He's having three..." Gaz added.

The Professor looked at Gaz, frozen. His heart was floored from Gaz confirming the truth of the matter. He rested his head on his hands.

"Ooooh. . . . Dib . . ." he said, shaking his head, "You didn't . . . "

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