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Closely embraced within each other's arms a brown and blue haired male laid on the bed, beneath the sheets as the morning sunrise shone through onto the wall above their bed slowly creeping its way onto their headboard and finally resting where their eyes were, forcing the two awake at the crack of dawn.

"Good morning," the brown haired male mumbled into the pillow that he'd put his face in to avoid the sunlight longer.

"Bam you need to wake up," the blue haired male said shaking Bam's shoulder lightly in hopes for him to take his face from the pillow.

"Five more minutes..." A soft murmur was heard from Bam, whose face was still buried in the pillow. "Please Aguero," at the use of his first name he sighed, getting out of the bed to close the curtains and lay back down with Bam pulling him closer.

"Five more minutes," He agreed as the two cuddled, falling back to sleep. A knock sounded at their door.

"You two need to wake up soon," a voice said on the other side. The two males got up out of the bed complying and got ready while a ruckus could be heard outside. Bam walked into the bathroom followed by Aguero so the two could do their hair.

"Aguero, do you think you could cut my hair for me? It's just a little too long." He mumbled the last part.

"Of course Bam. Let me find some scissors first." Aguero took the time to look through his lighthouse for a pair of scissors while Bam stood there brushing his hair through. He did like his long hair but it was getting longer than he preferred it as he was starting to look like the 'God' he was called years ago. Upon finding the scissors he motioned for Bam to sit in which he gladly did.

While Aguero worked on Bam's hair making it shorter and making sure it was straight at the tips, Bam sat on the lighthouse looking into the mirror admiring Aguero's face of concentration as he worked letting a smile set on his face. "How's this Bam?" Aguero asked as he finished. Bam turned his head looking at his shorter but not too short hair making his smile grow larger.

"I love it, Aguero," he said and stood up looking at his boyfriend then pulled him in the a hug. Resting in each other's arms enjoying the warmth they stayed like that for several moments before pulling away and Bam shoved Aguero onto his lighthouse lightly.

"What are you doing Bam?" He asked in a low voice.

"Doing your hair!" Bam replied enthusiastically as he started brushing through his hair then started on the small braid that he'd seen the blue haired male add as of recently. Aguero smiled into the mirror at the smiling Bam behind him. When he finished with Aguero's hair he leaned forward over his shoulder and gave him a small kiss on the cheek making the blue haired males cheeks flush with a light shade of pink.

Even though the two had been together for quite some time Aguero still couldn't get used to Bam's random kisses on the cheek or occasional lips, but he still loved them and turned his head to give Bam a kiss on the lips making the two smile at each other in pure bliss.

"I love you.." they both whispered as they touched foreheads with smiles still adoring their faces


Well here's day 1 of KhunBam week. I know it's quite short but I was trying not to turn this into an angst since it's for the first day.

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