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It was night time once again. The night had always reminded Khun of his boyfriend's name and always smiled up at the night sky whenever he couldn't be with the brunette that night. The two hadn't seen each other for just over a week and Khun was planning an at home date for them when Bam would arrive late that night. He'd been planning it since he found out when his lover would be coming home.

He opened their shared closet pulling out the matching suit he'd gotten them. He'd thought they were a little cliche but he knew it would make Bam happy and if it made him happy he himself would also be happy. Checking the watch on his pale wrist he now knew it was about an hour before Bam would be walking through the doorway. He sighed nervously hoping everything turned out how he wanted it to.

Walking out of the closet he placed Bam's suit on the bed while he slipped his on. Adjusting his blazer in the mirror turning himself left and right to see if it fit him right and if he looked good in it. He knew Bam would think he looked good in anything he wore as he had told him that many times before. Khun could probably go around in some old clothes that were years old and Bam would still tell him how handsome he looked with a smile on his face and not a care in the world what other people thought.

Bam unconditionally loved Khun Aguero Agnis to the ends of the world and back.

The blunette walked into the bathroom looking at himself in the mirror questioning if he should do anything about his hair. He'd put his hair in a few styles before but Bam had never mentioned much of anything about them so he didn't know if he would like it or not. He shook the thought from his head as he realized he shouldn't be making sure everything he did would make Bam happy but also him happy.

He'd be happy if Bam was happy and Bam would also be happy if Khun was. They were always trying to make only the other happy. They should've known to make the other happy they need to be happy with themselves first and they were realizing that as of lately. Doing things together that made each other happy and not only the other. The two were understanding love more and it showed.

He decides to keep his hair like it always is except having it look a tad bit nicer adding in a second small braid on the other side. He smiled at himself in the mirror and nodded walking out back into the bedroom. He sat on the bed with his fingers intertwined together still a little nervous.

Once again checking this watch after sitting there for about ten minutes he grabbed Bam's suit bringing it to the front door hanging it on a hook and put a small note on the hanger for him to see once he walked in. He walked into the kitchen and grabbed a red, pink and lavender rose from within the bouquet he'd bought earlier that day.

'The red rose means love, beauty, courage, respect, and passion. The light pink means admiration, sweetness and sympathy, and finally the lavender rose means love at first sight and enchantment,' he remembered the florist telling him when he was looking for flowers. He knew these were the flowers he needed to buy once the elderly woman had informed him of their meanings.

Grabbing a silver ribbon from a drawer he wrapped it around the stems of the roses so none of them would accidentally be dropped. Leaning against the counter looking at the flowers barely noticed the time flying by and the next thing he knew the front door was being unlocked and his lover's voice was heard.

"Aguero? Aguero? I'm home! Oh? What's this?" Khun assumed Bam had just seen the suit waiting for him. He heard the sound of Bam's footsteps leading to their bedroom and his voice once again. "Darling?" Khun felt his heart melt a bit at that simple word. Bam normally called him by his name or honey, sweetheart and occasionally darling like he just had.

He quietly snuck into the hallway fixing his hair a bit, still slightly nervous. He heard the slight creak of the bedroom door opening at the end of the hall and looked down to see his dashing husband walking out in the black suit and messy hair. Khun felt his cheeks get hotter as they turned a bright shade of pink. He covered his lower half of his face with his hand in hopes to hide himself.

He looks at hıs husband walkıng down the hallway running his hand through his short brown hair making his face get more flushed. Bam stood in front of Khun then pulled the blunettes hand away from his face and delicately kisses the corner of Khuns lips. Both smile at each other after pulling away and Khun leads him to their open living room with a hand behind his own back.

Upon entering the living room Khun carefully slides the roses into Bams hand with a smile on his face. He leaned towards him and kissed him on the cheek and went to turn on the record player they owned. A slow dance song came on and Bam realized what was happening and small tears of joy came to his eyes. Khun walked over and the two started to slow dance together with the blunette taking the lead.

"Why are you crying Bam?" Khun asked the brunette curiously.

"The date... it's midnight," Bam said through his happy sobs.

"What day is it today, love?" Khun asked teasingly.

"It's our three year anniversary since being married," Bam hugged Khun tightly crying into his chest feeling glad that he fell in love with Aguero.

The two swayed back forth smiles on their faces with tears of joy streaming down their faces. They were truly happy together like no other. 

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