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It had been years since the group had been together, probably since high school. The plan was for them all to meet up once again after so many years. Everyone was excited for the plans and to see how everyone changed since they were all legal adults now. The plans were to meet at noon in the park just outside of the city.

It had wide open fields with trees littering the grass, along with flowers, bushes, small ponds and streams which were adorned with rocks, ducks and swans. The trees were full of leaves, birds and life. Green grass that the sun hit just right so the whole lark looked like it just came out of a dream with it's few clouds in the air and clearly showing sun above.

A large group of adults stood around in the shade talking, laughing, telling jokes and enjoying themselves while off in the distance seemingly hiding was a long brown haired male whose eyes were covered by his bangs. A few times someone from the group pointed him out but when people went to look in the direction he was last seen, he had disappeared. This kept happening throughout the evening and one of the people in participe seemed to notice this stranger standing off to the side the most.

When the evening hanging out together had ended everyone went in their separate directions while a certain tall, classy blue haired male in a suit with his blazer draped over his arm walked over to the stranger that had been there since they arrived.

"Is there a reason you've been watching us," he demanded not getting an answer from the other person. "Did you not hear me speak, why have you been here watching us," he asked in an even sterner voice making the other flinch back slightly at the tone.

"I apologize Mr. Khun," they mumbled, causing the Khun to look at them confused.

"How do you know my name?" He demanded slowly. The other person lifted their head up the slight distance to look Khun in the eyes without showing his eyes then lifted his hand to pull this hair away to reveal his face. The blue haired male looked at the face for a few moments letting it sink in as he tried to discover who it was in front of him. The brown haired male lowered his bangs once again and smiled.

"It was great seeing you again Mr. Khun," he said happily then turned around walking away to the small parking lot then getting on his motorcycle and drove away. Khun stood there for a few more moments knowing the person was familiar but unsure of how he knew him. He turned towards the parking lot getting into his own car and going home.

Once at home he got into more comfortable clothes then sat on a chair with a book in his hand and a coffee in the other. He started reading but soon stopped as his mind kept going back to the male he'd met today, he had the feeling in him that he knew who he was yet he couldn't put his finger on it at all. Thinking of the eyes, the smile, the hair and how he seemed to know who he was. This was peculiar to Khun as he never recalled talking or even meeting someone that looked like that.

"Brown hair, golden amber eyes and a soft smile..." he whispered to himself trying to fit the pieces together. Pulling out his phone he tried looking for anyone who he knew that had these features but came out without a response. He was about to put his phone down when he received a text from the group chat saying how they were all meeting up again tomorrow but for a movie instead. Khun had the idea and quickly put it to work asking his friends if they knew anyone with brown hair and golden amber eyes, who wasn't Endorsi.

No answer came up so he now assumed the person he saw today hadn't been a part of their group. A possible stalker? He questioned himself but quickly shot the idea down as he didn't want to think of that possibility. He'd just have to wait until the next day to see if this mysterious man showed up once again where he and the group were going. He hoped he was so he could figure out who it was.

The next morning he put on more casual wear than the day before since it was only a movie theatre. Arriving before the appointed time he saw Isu, Endorsi and Hatz had already arrived and were just standing there not interacting. He joined them in their non-interaction and looked around them looking for the stranger. Thinking he caught a glimpse walked over only to find nothing and returned to the group which had expanded in only a few moments. Some laughing happened then they all herded into the theatre with popcorn and drinks in hand along with some candies.

Khun took his seat furthest from them as he wished to watch the movie in peace. His seat was closer to the back and no one else was sitting near him so he happily thought he'd be watching the movie in peace. These thoughts were interrupted when someone dressed in all black clothing took the seat right beside him. He looked at the person noticing it was a male with long hair, in this poor lightings couldn't tell what color it was and couldn't even see the person's eyes as they were hidden behind his hair.

"It's good to see you again Mr. Khun." The male said, making Khun's eyes widen slightly.

"You're the one from yesterday, are you following me or something?" He shook his head and raised his phone.

"No, I was invited Mr. Khun, same with yesterday." Khun looked down at his popcorn wondering why he hadn't joined with everyone else then, why only him?

"Why only me?"

"Pardon?" The other male asked in a confused tone.

"Why have you only spoken to me, there's a bunch of other people too." Khun could see in the poor lighting the other male lightly biting his own lip as if he were thinking of the right thing to say.

"I'm not ready to see them yet," he mumbled loud enough for Khun to hear. "It's been years and I've been alone since then. I-" he stopped talking while Khun was thinking once again on who this was. He reached his hand forward and pulled the bangs out of the others face pushing them to the side.

"Could you smile for me...?" Khun asked quietly and slowly, the other male gave Khun a smile like he had yesterday except this time he was seeing the two at the same time making something click in his mind. "B-bam?" He mumbled and watched as tears formed in the amber eyed male.

"Yeah... yeah it's me Mr. Khun," Bam answered with tears falling down his face and a happy smile on his lips. Khun looked at Bam astonished taking in the features of his high school crush, he'd changed so much in the past years that he hadn't even recognized him anymore. Khun quickly put his popcorn on the floor near his feet and pulled Bam into a hug quickly letting his own tears fall down his face.

"I missed you so much Bam," he mumbled into the other males ear while the two of them hugged quietly sobbing into each other's shoulders.

"Aguero... I...." Bam whispered a few words that Khun didn't hear properly.

"Bam, I didn't hear what you said... could you repeat it...?" He asked quietly and felt Bam's head nod a yes.

"Aguero, I love you... I've loved you since high school," Khun opens his eyes surprised at Bam's words, he never thought that his old crush ever liked him back in any way other than friends.

"Bam I love you too, I've loved you since high school," he mumbled back to Bam with a smile on his face knowing the one he loved was in his arms again.

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