Trading Places

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(Trigger Warning: Intense Themes, mentions of Rape and Torture.)

The night closed in around you; darkness covering the city in a cloak of blackness that almost felt palpable to your exposed flesh. Feeling as though the world you knew was somehow shrinking, while you stood in the midst of it's caving walls. The sky was lost without its moon, and the stars were sprinkled within the blanket spread across the late night sky above you, but they didn't twinkle like they were supposed to. They laid camouflaged within the shadows, and it was as though the night had taken the moon and it's stars and hid them away, knowing what was to follow on the cold cobblestone street miles below.

The black concrete street you stood upon, was saturated with the moisture from the recently departed rainstorm. Making the foundation your boots stood steadily on, seem darker somehow. The rain seeping into the cracks and crevices, making the foundation look as though someone had spilled gallons of pitch black ink all over the surface. But the effects of the precipitation still lingered in the atmosphere, for you could still smell the rain in the cool night air. Breathing in the crisp oxygen, the rich scent of the Earth trailed behind it. The deep smell of the saturated soil, bringing forth a calming nature scent to the world that was still drying off.

The temperatures around you hinted towards the autumn season that was already on it's way, as your steady but anxious breaths exhaled and were perceptible in faint puffs out in front of your face. And even as your body ran warm, as your blood boiled with both disgust for the man you stood before and roaring anxiety for what was to come, goosebumps arose over your bare arms. The thin material of your navy t-shirt doing nothing to keep you warm and the sleeves that barely moved more than a few inches down your arms, did little to shield away the nip in the air. A sharp tingle spread up your spine, causing the hairs on the back of it to stand at alert, but you knew that the sensation had nothing to do with the chilling weather around you.

Your arms were tense, the muscles within them clenched, as you held them straight out in front of you. The knuckles on both of your hands were slowly turning white, from the intense pressure in which they gripped the gun. It felt as though you had locked them in place, and although you could begin to feel the ache begin to spread throughout your hands, the pressure was the only thing keeping your fingers steady. The black material of the small but deadly weapon was smooth beneath your touch, and the trigger was hot from the constant presence of your index finger. It was cautiously calm as it laid hovering and frequently brushing against the trigger, and it took everything to keep the pounding anxiety inside of your chest, from overflowing into your tightly gripped extremities.

Due to the absence of natural light from the nightly moon, the cobblestone street was left to be shrouded in a light from a nearby streetlight. The glass that encapsulated the bulb was frosted and oldened with age and pollution, and the bulb itself flickered weakly. But still it managed to cast a saturated orangish hue over the ground, and across the right hand side of the unsub you stood in front of.

The light fell upon him, as the shadows continued to devour the left side of him whole. Illuminating the scar that sunk jagged and long across the right side of his forehead, disappearing into the hairline just above his ear. It traveled over the flesh above his right eye, like a twisting river from a bird eyes view. Missing his eyebrow by mere inches, but leaving the flesh around it puckered and red, even after years gone by.

The glow of the streetlight lit up the colorful ink that climbed up his right arm and curled over his shoulder, that was lost to your sight underneath his short sleeved shirt. The black cotton fabric only becoming visible in the dim ray, as the rest of him seemingly vanished back in to the shadows of the night around you. But as your steady eyes stared forward, his that gazed right back, were darker than the night and yet brighter than the streetlight. As though the orbs contradicted themselves. For the deep shade within his irises almost resembled dark onyx, and with the sly smirk that hovered over his chapped lips like a ghost, it felt as though you were staring into the depths of hell. A glance through his eyes, at the place he was born and would soon return, only to burn for eternity. Although, the most frightening part, was that there was an alluring twinkle to the darkness. It was faint, but the longer you stared, the more you understood how this man could be capable of such horrific acts and yet be the most charming man those women could meet.

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