Center of the Universe

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The sweet singsong voice of Penelope Garcia, greeted Derek Morgan the second the silver elevator doors opened. Revealing not only the familiar expansion of parting hallways and the glass doors leading to the bullpen, but the colorful rainbow in human form. For it was as though the sun itself, had beamed it's light down upon the Earth and formed it's rays into the bubbling body that exuded the same bright kind of light, in the same blinding yellow glow. 

For Derek listened to the clicking of her neon magenta heels slowly come to a halt, as his eyes spanned upwards over the frilly sunshine yellow skirt that flared out at her hips and trailed the glow down to the ends of her knees. A white knit sweater left unbuttoned, draped over the top of her bright yellow dress, as a large beaded necklace wrapped securely around the base of her throat. Dangling sunflower earrings nearly brushed against the very tops of her shoulders, as her blonde hair was pulled up and pinned back into a sleek style. With two pearl toned chopsticks hidden within to keep the whimsical nature of her identity present while balancing out her professional seeming hairstyle. 

As Derek's eyes scanned over her face, it was the disconnect in her expressions that made him raise a brow her way. For her magenta painted lips were curled downward into a frown that seemed to have no rightful place on the beaming woman's face. Her eyes, shadowed with sparkles and dark mascara behind the bright tangerine frames balancing on the bridge of her nose, were clouded by something grey in the swirl of her naturally baby blues. 

"There you are!" Penelope exclaimed in her high pitched concerned voice, one that Derek knew a little too well from their shared line of work. "You're late and you're never late! What's going on? You have to tell me what's wrong and what's going on with you, because you know how I worry and--"

Her worrisome rambles were sharply cut off the second she felt Derek Morgan grab gently to her shoulders, pressing his warm palms against the sides her arms as he took a step closer to her. Smelling the sweetness of her perfume and the fruity nature of her conditioner that floated up from her fly away strands. 

"Baby Girl," Derek raised a brow as he looked into Penelope's eyes, that were swirling with her hyper level of anxiety. "I'm fine, everything is fine. Just a little trouble in paradise this morning, that's all."

Loosening his gentle grasp on her arms, he let his hands fall from their placement. His left grabbing tightly to the strap of his bag strung over his shoulder, as his right slid into the pocket of his dark washed denim jeans. Watching Penelope's expression immediately soften, as his words ease away all of her worry and tightly wound nerves, they began to walk slowly towards the bullpen. 

"Oh no," Penelope muses, clutching a file to her chest as she walked in tandem with his steps. "what did you do?"

Derek's brows furrowed as his head snapped to the side, shooting Garcia an incredulous look. "Me? Why does it always have to be something I did?"

Penelope simply gave him a knowing look, tilting her head a fraction his way as she began to explain to him as though she was spilling out facts she'd received from Spencer Reid himself. "Because men always downplay when a woman is upset. Now spill."

Derek shook his head as he released an exasperated sigh out into the atmosphere, "It's honestly nothing Garcia, she just..." His right hand rising out of his jean pocket to rub idly at the back of his neck. "the hours are getting to her, that's all."

"Your hours?"

"Mhm," Derek hums in a low rumble, as their footsteps slowly come to a stop as he leans back against the edge of his desk. Letting his bag slide off of his shoulder, gliding down the smooth leather of his jacket, that he soon takes off and places in the seat of his chair alongside his bag. "The same hours I've always had. The same hours I had when we met, the same hours I had when we moved in together. The same hours I had when I proposed."

Derek Morgan One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now