A Bump in the Road

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The scenic countryside soared past the small window to your right, in blurs of rich olive and emerald green. The shades blending together in a beautiful harmony, as their hues painted across the landscape that stretched far on either side of you. The sky; a pale pastel hue that stood soft as the backdrop to the breathtaking nature that engulfed the land. Allowing for the deep tones of evergreen and rich chartreuse to take center stage, as the bright April sun shone down upon the lush and bountiful land. The beauty soared past the window at a whirlwind speed that blurred the trees and the flourishing sweet spring grass, as though their mesmerizing shades were streaks in a watercolor. Each paintbrush dipped into a more stunning shade than the last, until they were all brushed against the same canvas. Blurring together the lines of their individuality, and allowing for their deep hues and soft undertones to meld them into a masterpiece all their own.

"It's breathtaking," Your soft voice flutters up into the comfortable silence, that had settled over your seats. A gentle smile playing at your lightly glossed lips, as your mesmerized eyes gaze out the window at the scene flying by.

"You don't quite see scenery like this in the city do you?" Derek Morgan's agreeance was softly spoken, as his words hummed in a light cloud over the top of your head. As his seat sat snuggly against the window's side, his left arm draped across the tops of your shoulders as his chin balanced gently on the top of your head that rested against his chest. Feeling the warmth of his flesh not only wrapped securely around you, but soaking up against your cheekbone from underneath his lightweight white cotton Henley. Inhaling the intoxicating and calming scent of his skin; the rich cologne that danced against his collarbone and the faint scent of peppermint that floated downward from his chewing gum. Feeling against the top of your head, as his jaw would chew against the pale blue bubble every so often. And as he spoke, a breath of cooling mint soared into your senses and awoke you even more to the comfort of his company and embrace.

"I still can't believe you've never ridden on a train before." Derek teases with a soft smirk playing at his lips. You can hear the playfulness in his tone and you can see the eyebrow raised look on his face, far before you lean away from his comfortable embrace. Resting your back against the soft padding of your own chair, as you angle your body at a slight slant to look at Derek easier.

"Maybe because my husband of three years, has never taken me anywhere that requires the transportation of a train ride."

Derek finds amusement in your frisky but harmless bite back, for his lips curve upward into a grin that shows off his sparkling pearly whites. His eyebrows raising in mock surprise, and a breath that teeters on the line of a light laugh, passes through his smile. "I take you places. What about our honeymoon, huh? Hawaii." 

Even as a playful smirk tugs at the corners of your lips, you can't help the small smile beginning to form as you stare at Derek's smiling face. Even through feigning annoyance, his charm is too strong to keep your coy façade up for very long.

"Mhm," You hum softly, with a gentle nod of your head. "Hawaii and Chicago. Which I both love and enjoy, but coming from the man who gets to travel to a different state nearly every week, you'd think our travel record might be a bit bigger."

"You make it sound like those are vacations for me," Derek expresses in a soft exhale, and his left hand darts out quickly to rest against the top of your thigh. Feeling the immediate warmth of his soft and faintly calloused flesh against the top of your exposed skin. The navy blue, floral chiffon long sleeve dress, raising a few centimeters to reveal some of the goosebumps risen on the side of your right thigh. The coolness of the air conditioning around you, sending slight shivers up your spine as the close windowpane grasps tightly to the chill still lingering in the early April air on the other side, adding to the coolness that swirls around you. But his hand gently resting against your leg, feels like laying beside a crackling fire in the middle of a cold winter. For it sends instant warmth not only up your flesh, but straight to your core. Warming you from the inside out. No longer feeling any bit of the chill in the air, only a slight sliver of cold metal resting against your skin, from the shiny brass band that wraps comfortably around his fourth finger. "I can assure you, I would much rather take sandy beaches or my childhood home over dead bodies and psychotic serial killers."

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