Heartbeat and Heartbreak

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"Look, we can sit here in silence for the next thirty-six hours that I can hold you, or you can make this easier for yourself. You tell me where you partner is, and I'll get a DA down here right now to make you a deal. So, what's more important to you? Protecting your partner who's probably out there right now, completely fine with watching you take the fall or--"

Heavy pounding on the other side of the thick wooden door, broke Derek Morgan of his line of questioning. His eyes shifting from the smug suspect, who sat cuffed to a chair across the metal table from him, to the closed door behind him to his right. His words cut short at the noise that almost seemed to vibrate throughout the entire small interrogation room.

Derek's knee bounced up and down beneath the table, as the heel of his boot tapped against the floor, annoyed at the rough interruption. But listening to the fist rattling the other side of that door grow harsher with urgency, realizing it wasn't going to stop until he went out there and dealt with whatever it was, Derek conceded that his interview was over for the time being. Releasing a deep exasperated sigh out into the air under his breath, as the screeching of his chair against the floor sounded within the confining four walls, Derek stood from the table. His hands roughly grabbing hold of the manila case file he had laying flat against the metal surface, and turned away from the suspect. Spotting the look of victory displayed across his face, as though Derek's exit made him feel more powerful, but Derek did his best to bite his tongue and simply head towards the door. Refusing to give this scum bag another second more of his time, much less the validation of witnessing the effects of Derek's buttons that he could push. Twisting the brass doorknob with his left hand as he passed the one way glass, Derek pushed open the door to find out what all of the commotion was about.

The room waiting right outside the interrogation room seemed darker, the brick walls cutting down on the natural light and the lightbulbs that hung from the ceiling gave off a dim orangish hue, as though no one had gotten around to changing them in years. The rays differing from the harsh light coming from the single bulb, hidden inside of a swinging metal fixture, that was inside the small room Derek had just exited from. But it wasn't dark enough to hide the distress that was written across Spencer Reid's face, as he was there waiting for him next to the one way glass.

"What the hell was that Kid? I was this close to getting a lead on the location of this guy's partner and then you--"

"We know where he is."The words abruptly cut Derek off, but they flew from Spencer's mouth so fast that he almost didn't hear them clearly. Raising a brow, Derek leans his head forward faintly, as if requesting without words for Reid to tell him where their other suspect is. But he watches with expectant and slightly impatient eyes, as the lanky man before him anxiously pulls at a loose strand of the cream flecked sweater he wears, fighting to find the words. Derek observes the way his face twists and pulls, as though the words are right there on the very tip of his tongue, and yet his body won't allow for them to fall. Leaving Spencer standing in front of him, timid and fidgeting his fingers in an anxious matter.

"Reid," Derek presses, as his brow raises higher and his fingers clutch tighter to the file he holds. "what's going on?"

"The unsub's accomplice, the partner we've been searching for, he evaded the police because we weren't looking in the right places. We weren't even looking in the right area. We had road blocks and a door to door search set up on the North side because that's the documented range that they target. All three victims lived within three blocks of each other, on the wealthier side of town. All indications pointed to the possibility that the partner split when Marcus got picked up, and was now already in another house in that same area, with a new victim, waiting out the heat we were forcing on them."

Spencer's nimble fingers continued to fidget with the loose string on his sweater, that he repeatedly coiled and uncoiled around his index finger as he spoke. His eyes darting between Derek's heavy and clouded brown eyes to the brick wall behind him. His words spewing quickly from his lips, his explanation complete and yet far too detailed for Derek's liking in that particular moment.

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