The last holo recording

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Next chapter should be out next week didn't want to write the beeps from chopper so I just wrote what he was saying.  Enjoy

Sabine's POV

I took a deep breath before looking at Ezra's lightsaber I felt tears streaming down my cheeks what if he's dead? What if he doesn't comeback? I started to cry with loud sobs I looked up and everybody was looking at me "Sabine are you okay?" Hera asked me "does it look like I'm okay?" I said with sobs  I felt the pain in my heart I didn't want hera and Zeb to see me like this so I  ran to my room.

Hera' POV

I heard a sigh coming from Zeb I wanted to go talk to sabine but I felt a hand on my shoulder it was Zeb's "I think it's best if you give her some time" I didn't want to but I nodded "okay Zeb I hope you are right".

Sabine's POV

I was in the cold metal floor hugging a pillow Why am I crying? This pain I just want it to end I hugged my pillow even harder but then I heard my door open to reveal chopper,  "Chop not right now please" he didn't beep or anything he just came closer to me and when he was next to me I hugged him "why did he have to do it chop? It's all my fault if I had just stopped him" I said with sobs "Sabine do not blame yourself Ezra did it to save his people, his new family and you" I looked at him with a confused face "what do you mean me?" I was sniffing a lot "Sabine Before Ezra left he knew what he had to do he gave me his lightsaber so I could give it to you, and there is something else he told me to do". "What is it Chop? please tell me" he backs away a little and a blue hologram comes out of nowhere I gasped "is that Ezzy? my Ezzy I felt light tears  in my cheeks.

The holo recording

Hey bean, look I know you have a lot of questions and you might hate me for leaving like that but, *sigh* honestly I don't know what's gonna happen or if I will ever get to see you again.  I'm sorry but I didn't have the courage to tell you this in person and this is my only chance of letting you know how I feel..... I.....I L-love you, since the day I met you sabine wren.  My whole world changed since the day I met you guys and I want to thank you and the crew for everything.  *sigh* well it's time for me to go I will never forget you bean you are a part of my heart and I hope that one day we can see each other again.

Sabine's POV

I completely broke down my heart was beating so fast I was crying a lot I chocked out "I.....I al-also lo-love you Ezr-Ezzy"and I guess Hera heard me cry because she ran inside my room and gave a hug I really needed it "H-Hera will.... we *sniff* see him *sniff* again?.

Hera's POV

"I don't know sabine let's hope we get to see him again one day"

1 hour later

Sabine finally fall asleep so I decided to exit her room and go to mine and that's where I cried for the next of the night, not knowing what to do any more without Kanan and Ezra.

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