Word of the day: loser

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"Oi, cheer me up."


"Happy Valentine's Day!"your dad exclaims and displays all the chocolates on the kitchen table

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"Happy Valentine's Day!"
your dad exclaims and displays all the chocolates
on the kitchen table.

"Thanks Dad."
you slightly chuckle and skip over to
kiss him on the cheek.
He always did too much for the two of you.
"I'll be glad to come back after school, to see them
all eaten."

"Oi, have I really gained that much?"
he teases and holds his stomach.
"Masa-kun told me he's hosting a party later tonight. You plan on heading over there?"

You shrug your shoulders, not hating the plan but not liking it so much either.
"Yeah, I guess I'll swing by."

I hope Koushi can come with.

"Did something happened between you two? Ever since I came back from your grandma's, you've been so off. Are you feeling okay?"
he asks.
His question made you uneasy, still not telling him about the huge incident a few weeks ago.
It made you feel guilty, but you jus couldn't find the best moment to.
An awkward silence fell upon you two,
waiting for someone to say something.
"Have you told him about the..."

"No. Not yet."
you quickly answer, knowing what he was
referring to.

"Okay, I already go your gift for Masa ready. You should head to school already."
he acknowledges.

You stare at the gift for your best friend and have an overwhelming, abashed feeling. All because of
one person.

"I-Is there another gift I could give too?"
you ask your father.

"Um, yeah I bought some extras. Why?"

"I-It's for....a friend."


"Yo! Happy Chocolates Day!"
Mass approaches you and Sugawara, as the two of you walk in together.
His mouth was filled with chocolate.

Ever since the incident, you've been attached to Sugawara, only feeling protected around him,
Masa and your father.
It was both a blessing and a curse.

"You pig."
you state and wipe chocolate off Masa's face.

"Sugawara, no lucky lady?"
Masa asks him.

"Looks that way."
he laughs and looks at you.
You respond with a blank face and proceed to give Masa his gift.

"Hell yeah, more chocolate."
Masa excitedly exclaims.
He digs in and stuffs his face. With a full mouth,
he says,
"Thank you for the food! Who's the other bag for?"

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