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After having landed, Agent Prentiss, Dr. Reid and her went straight to the local police department. The rest of the team members were already on their way to the crime scenes and to forensic medicine.

During the flight Y/N opened up a little to the BAU agents. Jennifer had offered her to call her JJ directly and did her best to include her in the conversations. She was a really nice person, someone you felt immediately comfortable with and someone Y/N knew she would get friends with. They were all very friendly and made every effort to make her feel included. She felt good around them. The only one who continued to completely ignore her was Dr. Reid. She had no idea exactly what bothered him about her.

Right now, Agent Prentiss  and Y/N were going over the victimology while Dr. Reid was creating a geo-profile of the perpetrator. Y/N was sitting at the table in front of the big board on which they had written everything down. Agent Prentiss, literally a bad-ass wich Y/N noticed quickly, spoke to an officer and Dr. Reid stood in front of the blackboard, marking points on a map. Y/N couldn't help but peek out from behind her file and observe him. He was completely immersed in his mind. Mumbling quietly to himself, tapping his chin repeatedly. You could literally see him thinking and it was deeply fascinating to Y/N. She couldn't help but watch his hands run across the map, his forehead turned grey and his tongue ran over his lips while thinking. It was as if she was looking at him properly for the first time. He was tall and thin, but he didn't seem weak or lanky. He had some brown hair, which was longer, wavy and quite messy. There were always a few strands falling into his face, which he usually pushed behind his ear energetically. He had big brown eyes with deep blue circles underneath. Basically, he looked like someone who had just got out of bed after very little sleep. This man was someone you wouldn't notice at first sight, someone you would even consider strange and not attractive at all. But if you looked closely, you could tell that he actually looked pretty good. He had perfectly full lips and perfectly defined features with a prominent Jawline. His suit trousers fitted him perfectly on his strong-looking legs, caressing them. As he stood there, with his rolled-up shirt sleeves, Y/N liked what she saw. He was essentially totally her type.

Agent Prentiss  stepped in and Y/N quickly turned back to her file. She was ashamed of her looks. She was finally where she wanted to be for months, working with the BAU and desperate  to get this job. She could not explain why this man raised her interest. Why her eyes were glued to him and why he was distracting her. Was it because he showed her a cold shoulder? Y/N was not used to being ignored or overlooked. She always got a lot of attention. She was a very open minded and warm-hearted person. With her appearance and her curves she could wrap all the men around her finger quite quickly. Not that she wanted that, no. She wasn't looking for a partner and had no interest in one-night stands. She liked to be on her own and tried to avoid men. Still, she enjoyed attention and was annoyed that she didn't know why Dr. Reid seemed to detest her so much.

"The parents of one of our missing are here. Y/N could you talk to them, please?" Y/N nodded, made her thoughts vanish, got up and walked into the adjoining room where the desperate parents were already waiting.  "Mr. and Mrs.  Todd? My name is Agent Y/N. We are doing our best to find your daughter," Mr. Todd, who had been walking around the room nervously a moment ago, now turned to her. "Please tell me something about your daughter Annabelle." Y/N sat down next to the sobbing mother and handed her a handkerchief, which she thankfully accepted.

Despite her little experience, Y/N knew exactly how to talk to anxious parents. She didn't even have to think about it at all and it didn't bother her that Agent Prentiss and Dr. Reid were watching her through the window. When she finished the conversation, she had been able to calm Mrs.  Todd down a bit and convinced the two of them to go home and get some sleep.

"Annabelle Todd was definitely not on high risk.  She had just finished her studies and was due to start teaching in two months. According to her parents, she was a person who was always friendly and, as far as they knew, she had no boyfriend or anything like that. They didn't understand how she could have been chosen." She told her colleagues. "According to this, all the women were normal, nothing special. There is no connection between them, except the obvious one: their looks. So that has to represent someone in his life. They are probably representative. Well done Agent Y/N." Agent Prentiss turned back to the board again when Luke, who had insisted on the jet that she would address him by first name, and Agent Simmens arrived from forensics. "The two dead women were raped and then strangled. According to the M.E., they must have been held captive for about two months. They were given little food." Luke said. "This fits in with the time of the disappearance. It also means that with Amanda Clarke, one of the other victims, we only have a few days left before he kills her, provided the unsub sticks to his pattern," replied Dr Reid. Everyone nodded worried. They were running out of time and they had no leads yet or a direction in which they could investigate.

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