1st Day

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It was the start of the week and that night I didn't get any sleep, I got up and headed to the shower. After I finished getting ready I brushed my Teath and went to my car to go to Costa for a ice coffee, after some time I came back and did a work out it took around 1 hour but it was refreshing. All day I was just thinking of how cute ag and boon would be if they were together 😉. After my work out and another shower I went to my bed and seen if ag and Anna had posted, lucky for me I was able to be the first one to comment of Anna's post I was so excited because after 5 minute of the comment she replied to it and said " well done you were first" I dunno if she was smiling for it or just a bit of with it but I don't mind because she replied back. After looking at boons 8 went to ags and on one the post she mensiond something called " watt pad" so of cause I had to go download it.

It got up to 3pm and I already had my luck so I decided to take my dog on a big walk. I came back after 1 hour and 1/2 and decided to just go up into my room and listen to some music.

It got to 6 pm and I decided to get some tea, I only had something little because I had a big lunch. After I ate it was around 7:30 pm so I stayed downstairs and watched some TV with my mum.

It got to 9:30 and head to my room to settle down because I was about to read a story from watt pad. I went on instergram and found out that ag and calum Scott are live so I joined and saw them playing a game, ag looked so nervous during it. The live had ended and I decided to settle in my room for the night and read what was on the watt pad

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2020 ⏰

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