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I have an appointment today. I'm 25 weeks and Alex and I get to find out the gender. Alex is driving me crazy by being so overprotective, Andre is watching Rae, Carmell and Roy are "helping", I emphasize helping because it's really just an excuse to see more of each other than they already do.

"I'm so excited!" I grip Alex's hand that was holding my hand and resting on his leg.

"What do you think we're having?" Alex asks.

"What do you want."

"Doesn't matter to me." He shrugs.

"I want one of each. A little girl and a little boy."

"Have you thought of names?"

"No, I want to wait until we know the gender and I want something we'll both agree on."

We pulled into the parking lot. When Alex got out to walk to my door my phone rang, the display read 'unknown'. "Hello?"

I was greeted with silence.

I pulled the phone away from my ear, checking to see if the caller hung up. They didn't, so I tried again. "Hello, is anyone there?"

Nothing. So I hung up.

"Another dead call?"

I nodded, confused. Since we've been back from Las Vegas, I've received numerous hang up calls. Day, night, while I'm at home, while I'm at work.

"This isn't gonna ruin our day, let's go." We walk into the clinc and check in Moments later, we're called back into the exam room.

"How are you feeling today, Renee?" Dr. Howard asked.

"Good, ready to see the babies again."

"Great, great." He looked at his chart. "Your weight is good, your blood pressure is a little high but not bad enough to be worried about, yet."

"Does she need to do anything differently?" Alex questioned.

"Yes, no stress." Dr. Howard looked at me. "I know you own an amazingly popular shop and with your cupcakes for baseball season going on but limit the time you spend on your feet. You have people help you with the heavy lifting, you might need to have someone help with the majority of the baking as well."

I let out an exasperated sigh. Things are rocky between me and Me'Shel right now but when Me'She was MIA, the assistant manager, Marie, really stepped up to the plate. A promotion is definitely happening for her. Whether or not she's promoted ahead of Me'Shel or as her equal is yet to be decided.

"Okay, lift your shirt, Renee, and well find out the genders for you."

Dr. Howard put the cold gel on my large tummy and used the wand to spread it and see the babies. Suddenly, the sound of heart beats filled the room, but it sounded a little off from the last time. Dr. Howard noticed too.

Searching around he said, "Uh oh, turns our your having triplets, Mommy and Daddy!"

"Trip-triplets!" Alex uttered. The shock was clear on his face.

I laughed. "Babe, babe! It's okay, this is fine, right?" I started to get a little worried.

"Baby, it's better than fine, this is great! Wow, we're having triplets, three little babies!" The smile on his face was blinding and contagious, Dr. Howard and I smiled wide with him.

"Do you want to know the genders?"

"Yes." Alex and I said.

"Alright, let me have a look. We have a boy." He moved the wand more. "We have another boy." I was growing excited. "Aw, sorry the last baby is shy, can't see the gender."

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