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Hidin' out in this dump is not waht I had planned. How was I supposed to know that fool at the train station was a cop?

Mookie wasn't answerin' my phone calls so I decided to call his second, Shortie, instead.


"Shortie, it's Savannha, I need you to do me a favor and send some guys down here, send 'em with a case full of money. I got palmss to grease."

If you can't beat 'em, pay 'em off that's what I learned workin' in Vegas.

"No can do, Boss Lady." Shortie replied,

"And why the fuck not?" I shrieked.

"Mookie says he's in charge now and that no one is to do anything to help you."

"The fuck you-" Shortie hung up on me.

I threw the phone on the ground and crushed it with the heel of my stiletto heel. I looked at my reflection in the mirror as I paced in front of it. My ususlly dne up hair was mess, my clothes, that told the world my profession, were dirty, and I looked just plain old tired.

"They did this to me." I seethed.

I didn't want to do this but I need to call in a favor. I pulled out the extra cellphone I carried in my purse and dialed Levy Trek.

"What?" Levy's bass voice answered the phone.

"Um. Levy, hi, it's Savannah, I need-"

"Savannah, what the fuck you want?" Levt asked.

"It's your damn kids, they ruinin' my life!" I shouted.

"You betta lower yo tone, woman."

"I'm-I'm sorry Levy, it's jus, I'm stuck in Los Angeles and yo damn kids, the ones I gave birth to, are gettin' me in trouble." I whined.

"How the fuck they get you in trouble?"

"It doesn't matter how. I need you to send me money and manpower to-"

"How. the fuck. did. they. get you, in toruble?" Levy asked again, anger in his voice.

"The-they, um, you see-"

"I heard you sellin' kids, Savannah, I heard you sold Angela when she was a child, when she didn't have a choice."

"Whe-where you hear that from, Levy, whoever told you that is a damn-"

"I heard I got grandkids, that you plan on sellin' 'em all to the highest bidder. That true, Savannah, and don't lie to me."

"Um, well, I need the money, I sell the brats, I get a big pay day when it's over and done with."

"And what did you plan to do with my kids, I know for a fact they not just gonna give you they kids, they nieces and nephews and wish yo ass good luck." Levy stated, pissin' me off.

"How would you know? You ain't seen none of 'em since they was too small to know who the hell you were." I screamed at him.

"I been keepin' tabs, unfortunately not as close as I should have. And don't make me remind you again not to raise yo voice to me, cause, Savannah, if the cops don't get yo black ass, I will." He threatened.

"I-I'm sorry, it won't happen again." I muttered.

"Better not."

"So, you gonna help me of what, Levy?"

"No I ain't gonna help you. You know how I feel about kids bein' used for shit like that and this is what you do, no. You made yo bed so die in it." He hung up.

My own baby daddy wasn't gonna help me.

The bastard. I thought.

I paced my run down hotel room again, thinking up other options I hadn't already tried. I was coming up blank.

My stomach grumbled so I gave up and ordered a pizza with my last fifteen dollars.

It was a forty-five minute wait so I paced the room a little more beifore deciding to call up Mookie again.

"Savannah." Mookie answered.

"Mookie." I replied. Then let my anger out with a breath. I needed Mookie, Mookie didn't need me, I had to drop the attitude. "Mookie, baby, I need you to help me out. I'll do anything in return." I purred.

Mookie let out a hearty laugh. "My bad, Savannah, no offense but I don't go for cougars." He said, still laughed.

My temper flared but I kept it in check. "But, Mookie, please? I won't even take my stable back." I bargained.

"You not gettin' it back any way. Anything else?"

"I'll, I'll, I'll get you Renee." I said, remembering how obsessed Mookie was with Renee.

"I'm over her, I got a stable full of girls to please me, I don't need yo daughter." He laughed.

Oooh, when I get back I'm gonna chop his dick off.

"If it wasn't for me yo nasty ass wouldn't be where it is right now, in my house, makin' money off my girls." I seethed.

"Yeah, whatever, Savannah, have fun in prison." He hung up on me.

"The fuck!" I screamed.

Knock knock

"Who is it?!" I shouted at the door.


I looked at the clock, forty minutes had passed so the possibility of it being the pizza man was good. Maybe if I fuck him, I'll get the pizza free. I took off my pants before opening the door. "Hello, Pizza man." I purred.

"Savannah Charles, you are under arrest-"

"What?!?" I shrieked as I was pulled from my room, handcuffed, and read my Miranda Rights.

At the police station, I was prepared to give the police Mookie and possibly Levy, in order to make a deal. On second thought, I'll just give up Mookie, there's no way anyone could touch Levy before he killed me.

"Hello, Savannah." Det. Dumbass said as he entered the interrogation room. His partner, Det. Asswipe was right on his heels.

"Boys, I'm prepared to make a deal." I said, winking at Det. Dumbass.

He and Det. Asswipe laughed. "Deal, Savannah, we got you on every crime you ever committed, even jay walking. You're gonna be incarcerated for a very long tiime.

"What?! What do you mean?!?"

Det. Asswipe answered. "Our star witness, Jordan Wise, I think you know him as Mookie, is our star informant. He has dates, times, and pictures. There's no way you're getting out of this."

"I want a lawyer!" I screamed after I recovered from my intial shock.

"A lawyer can't help you now but sure, I'll get you one." Det. Dumbass said as he and his partner left me in the room alone.


"We got her, do your part and she goes away for life." The cop that arrested Savanah said, Det.- somethin' I don't give a shit.

"Yeah, alright but I get to keep my girls right, you can't bust me for that?"

"As long as you do what your told, you can do whatever you want. But I want it free from the girls whenever I'm in Vegas."

I gritted my teeth at the word 'free'. Nothing in life is free, everything comes at a price. "Sure, just make sure Savannah stays locked up."

"Will do."' The voice laughed.


"Nice doin' business with you."

"Yeah." I said then hung up.

"Who was that?" Shortie asked from behind me.

"None of yo damn business, get the girls on the corner and make me some money!" I shouted at him.

Taking One for the Team (The Team #1)Where stories live. Discover now