Deep Thought-Chapter 2

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Authors note~
So, I wrote this in Harry's POV and I don't think it's my best. It just seems like a jumble of words to me, but I hope you still like it!💚 Also; Wow!! 6 reads! That makes me sooo happy that I you doo much!❤️

Harry POV:
This morning was pretty normal. Ron woke me up, complaining about being late for breakfast (even if it is only 8am). I don't know why he even bother waking me. Class doesn't start until 9am, and I'm getting kind of tired of watching him stuff his face with chocolate frogs, as Hermione scolds him about belly aches. I'm never really that hungry either way.

So, as I sit up and groggily make my way to the toilet,(bumping into things of course, because I'm without my glasses) I eventually make it.
After I've gotten dressed and have fully awaken, I retrieve my glasses to find that the red-headed boy has left.
"Wake me up and leave me..." I grumble.

Time Skip to the Great Hall~

"Thanks for leaving me, mate!" I complain with false positivity.

"Well, u uc to wong!" he responded with a mouth full of food.

"Honestly Ronald, were are your table manners!? Don't talk with a mouthful or you could choke! Not to mention it's rather disturbing!" Hermione lectures.

"W'owrry!" He exclaims yet again, a little falling out of his mouth.

" Eww! For merlins sake! What did I just-"
Honestly, I stopped listening. They'd have petty argument like this everyday, basically ignoring the fact I excise. I guess this is their own way of coping and distracting themselves.
They're own strange, bizarre couple-bonding way...
I reach for an already made bowl of cereal and begin scanning the room. It's pretty empty considering, many decided to skip this year. Of course I wouldn't dream of doing that, this is basically my home. Eventually, I gaze over at the Slytherin table. There's a good amount of them here this year. I begin craning my neck to scan the whole area, and land on the one and only Draco Malfoy. I find that he's sitting in a less crowded area, considering the only people who will sit with him are Zabini and Parkinson. Which I don't blame everybody considering he's the son of a death-eater, and he an ex-death-eater himself.
He hasn't bothered us for quite sometime and it's actually pretty suspicious. I see him possibly excuse himself, and get up to exit. As he does, we make eye contact. His mouth turns into a scowl while I quickly look away. He then walks sort of limps his way to and out the door.
Where could he be going?
I knew he was up to something!
Should I follow him? Class doesn't start for another 30-
"Harry!" I get pulled out of my thoughts from a quite concerned brunette.

"I've been trying to get your attention for awhile now!" She complains.

"Yeah, ya' haven't touched yer' cerial, and you've been staring at nothin' for almost all of breakfast!" Ron informs me.

I sigh, "Uh-yeah! I-uh, I'll see you in class? I think I forgot something in the dorms." I lie.

"See ya, mate!" Ron bellows, as he stuffs his face with more food.

"Goodbye Harry. Oh, and make sure to be on time to class!" Hermione adds with a sweet, but stern look.

"Of course!" I reassure. As I make my way out the big doors, I see Malfoy at the very end of the hall about to turn the corner. (Yes, that⬆️ happened that fast😅) I start to jog at a pace fast enough to keep up, but slow enough to stay unnoticed. Ultimately, we reach the library. He enters, and I wait for about 10 seconds before I enter as well. When I do, I see that he seems to be looking for something. Perhaps someone? Well, whatever or whoever it is, it seems he can't find it.

We wander around the library for about 10 minutes until I see him enter an isle i must've never noticed. He scans the titles without making a sound and, grabs a book of the shelf. It was blueish-purple, with a beautiful, gold pattern on the sides. I dint see a title though.

He opened it and began quickly flipping through the pages

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He opened it and began quickly flipping through the pages. Malfoy then stoped on one and began to read and mumble.
I couldn't quite hear all of it, but I interpreted the words: ok,magical, and tonight.
The blond marked the page by folding the corner. He stated walking out of the isle, which I started to sprint,(almost tripping several times) out the library and towards potions. Luckily, he still has to check-out the book. I still have 5 minutes until class starts, but as I ran one word of his stuck with me.


Ok you git, see ya then...

Yay, Finished!🎊 I know I said it would be short but I got carried away and switched POV's. I really hope you enjoy this story! This is probably going to be the longest chapter on here!😅 Anything I should change? Any complaints?
871 words
With❤️-~Lemon Tea~

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