Apologies? Chapter 4

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I'm only writing one shots after this.(still gonna try to complete it) Also, over 80 reads?!?! I'm- ...I can't🤯! Thank you all!❤️

Draco's POV:
The day went by pretty slowly. Potter and I, kept on sharing awkward glares throughout the day in corridors and classes.

It was 12:01. I'd gone to sleep a bit earlier than curfew, just to be well rested for whatever event could take place in my certain situation. I had just gotten out of shower, and am finishing slipping into more comfortable clothing. I wore a long, green hoodie that barely passed my knees (with boxers of course).  Very shortly after I'd found myself slipping out of the Slytherin common room, into the hallways, following that same path I'd taken just a couple nights ago.

Again, I felt that someone was following me. I don't know how he always seems to know where I am, follow me, and remain unseen all at once!

As I made my way around the dark corridor, I saw it. The unforgettable glow of a bright, yellow light. I approach the door and reach for the wooden knob. Swiftly pulling the heavy slab of carved oak, I see my self inside, suspecting Potter's close behind, and shut the door.  Immediately that same feel-good vibe. I waltz over to the bench I had slept on, and began to pull a lose thread from a nearby pillow.

I sigh.

"I know your here Potter..." I grumble out tired tone. After those words left my mouth, Potter pulls off what looks like an invisibility cloak. There was a look of agitation on the scared boys face.

"How'd you know...?" He questioned, cautiously moving to sit on the very end of the bench. I shifted to a position with my arms wrapped around my lower legs, and my head on my knees.

"Did you really think I wouldn't notice you stalking me in the library this morning?" I stayed, a smirk growing on my face.

" You KNEW I was following you, and dint think to say anything!?" He exclaimed, raising his voice slightly.

I took a deep breath. Obviously this room isn't working for him, yet. " I just said I notice you watching me. And why would I want to say anything and ruin our precious bonding time?" I asked reaching for another pillow.

He scoffs. " Oh, shove off Malfoy. I wouldn't have to follow you if you'd just explained to me what you were doing in the library earlier. Maybe if you had, I could be asleep instead of talking to you!" he complains, the venom in his  voice faltering a bit.

" Why do you assume that I should tell you about my personal life! You have no right to just watch people and follow them around constantly! For a second, I thought I'd get some peace and quiet for once." I argue. I felt myself for a bit, but this place thought I needed to prove my point. Potter looks away from me, and takes a couple deep breaths.

" I hate to admit it, but your...*sigh*...r-right Malfoy. I apologize" He nearly mumbles. I feel my cheeks heat up slightly at those words.

" Apology accepted." I say, moving slightly closer. He returns the the gesture.

"And on the subject of apology's..." I starts, he quickly faces my direction, " I believe I owe you one as well. I really do see the wrongs in my behavior over the years. I'm s-sorry." I say looking at the ground.

" Well, you were a pretty big git in the past, and even now; but, I'll take it," he confesses, "Friends?" He asks, sticking out his hand for me to shake.

"Friends" I say, taking his hand.
" Danm, this room has put you in an accepting mood. Id've(👈🏽?) thought you'd go off at me" I said while sighing.

"Yeah uh I was gonna ask... I feel kind of...
lighter? In here." He asked slightly confused and concerned.

" Oh-uh, you see..."

12:12 pm! Sorry this took a while!😅  Um so it kinda looks like the beginning of this whole thing, but it's hopefully near the end. I'm gonna finish. Like I said, 1st story.I don't have a plan. I just make it up as I go. So, I'm adding to the description that the room makes people fall in love if it senses they have hidden feeling that need to be sparked. I know, super cringey. Just pretend in was alway there!😂 Sorry my story sucks a**.
With ❤️-~Lemon Tea~
740 words

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