Talking Like "Normal"People? Chapter 5

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For this chapter, I'm trying to portray Draco as a "smol bean". So...🤷🏽‍♀️😅
Draco's Pov:
"" Potter whispered. I had just finished explaining what the room was, and how it works.

" Heh, yeah I was pretty shocked too. I mean, we could've the only people who know this place even exists!" I exclaimed, resting my elbows on my knees.

"How'd you even find someplace like this?"  He asked, raising his eyebrow.

"I didn't find it on purpose. I was walking down the corridors one night, and wasn't paying attention to where I was going. That being said, I took a wrong turn from my usual trail. I was gonna turn around, but then there was this glow from under a door I'd never seen before. And so of course I was curious-"

"See! Curiosity gets the best of ALL of us!" Potter interrupted. gets the best of ALL of is!" He
I chuckle. "So, I decided to investigate; and here we are!" I elucidated.

"Here we are..." he chuckled. "So tell me, why does THE Slytherin Prince have to come to some magical mood changing room?" Har-Potter asked.

I frowned and turned my head away. " Well, can I trust you won't tell anyone, anything, under no circumstances at all?" I interrogated.

" Not a peep." Potter smiles warmly. I feel a heat rise onto my cheeks, which I hope isn't noticeable.

I don't this is a trigger warning, but it sad in my opinion...
I turn and face my head his direction. "Well, to start of with, you could say that...after everything that happened I feel accountable. It's been eating me alive on the inside and...," he urges me to continue, " I can't handle it. It feels so cramped inside of my head, but empty in my chest." I shift to we're my legs dangle off of the bench, I begin to fidget with the bottom of my shirt. "All the loss of people that were never really close too me; I never thought it'd hurt this much. So, when I discovered this place, I knew it would have some sort of effect on me..." I nearly choke the rest out. I can feel my eyes burning with hot, sticky tears about ready to pour out. The ground seems very interesting at the time. " I-I, I'm sorry, I didn't m-mean to * hic* b-bombard you with m-*hic* m-my stupid-"

"Hey!" I get cutoff, " It's totally fine, you just had to vent. I understand that,but, you shouldn't call yourself stupid." He pauses, takes a breath, and scoots next to me. Our thighs are now touching as he reaches forward, embracing me on a gentle hug. I hug back. " If you ever need someone to speak to, I'm here. It'll feel good to talk to someone about your feelings. Doesn't it?" He asks.

" a little bit. Thanks, I guess..." I answer, burying my face into his chest. He pulls us to the armrest of the bench, and props himself on it. We're now laying, me on his chest, arms around his waist, while he toys with my hair.

"Now Draco," he says in a softer voice, my name rolls of his tongue so easily., " I think we should get some sleep." I nod my head weakly, "I heard the potions quiz is a lot harder than expected." He says matter-of-factly. I giggle and shift around a bit.

"Hey, uh...Harry?" Say in a worn out tone.


"There is no potions test tomorrow."
Finally done, and yes it sucks, but ELA isn't nice to me!😢😂 Hope I dint keep you waiting. Also, hoped that you enjoyed it somehow! I'm blown away that people actually read this! Thank you!🙏🏽

With❤️-~Lemon Tea~

634 words

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