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Are you breathing ?
Are we all breathing, eating , shopping ....?
Yes we are !
But ,
Do you know as you are reading this story someone is dying ?
Dying for food, shelter and family!
Same is with Africa , Yemen , Palestine , Kashmir and other disputed states .
I am trembling while typing how hurtful it is to live in this world .
We all are selfish , we eat as if nothing happened , we cry only when we lose something which was once ours , we play because we like it .
Is anything in this world comes without a "W£" .
I will start with Africa , the wars in Africa started on October 11 ,1899 .
It started with many countries dying for food and fighting for the families . They lost many soldiers because of this for overcoming the loss of army , the government started appointing children in the army which resulted in great destruction .
This war did ended on May 31,1902 but did the war actually ended there ?
To add furthermore in this statement  , I want to point at this geographical area , In this war Africa didn't only lose people but it also lost cultivated area and fertile ground which resulted in underground famine , not only this it had imported more things in the past years as compared to the exports .
It's still in dept of many superpowers .

This is just one country which I talked about , there are many more like Africa .
Somalia and Vietnam are other examples .

In addition to this without wasting your time, I will now talk about States in the next chapters .

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