
454 18 5

I wake up and I get my phone to see what time it is.
It was 8:45AM,I get up and change in some black leggings and a sport bra .
I get my airpods and phone and I walk out of the house.
I start running and running .
Once my legs give up I found myself in the middle of no were with tears in my eyes.
I try to use Google maps but there is no connection.
Until I see a car pull out next to me .
And I hear someone call my name.
I walk to the car to see Jaden?

Jaden:why are you doing here?

Me: I was running i dont know how i end up here to be honest.

Jaden:get in.

I get in the car and he start driving.

Jaden:do you wanna go somewhere for breakfast?

Me:first can we go to the hype house so I can get ready.


We just got there we walk in and I go to my room to shower I get my clothes and get in the shower .
I'm thinking of how my life changed from toxic friends to real friends I'm really thankful for my life right now and I know that everything happens for a reason .
I get out of the shower and I put on this

Then I go downstairs.

Jaden :change of plans lunch not breakfast .

Me:ok let's go to..?

Jaden:to cane's?


We get I the car and the whole car ride we were jamming to some music and talking a bit.

Then I get a call
Mom🥰 mom me
Hey mom how are you?

I'm great but you need to come here some time.

Yeah sure when?

Dinner time and you will stay for the night.


Have fun see you soon.


I hang up .

Jaden:were here .

We decided to get drive thru and go somewhere cuz the place was full of people.

jaden:where do you wanna go.

Me:the beach?

Jaden:sure jump in.

We get in the car and we get to the beach and we sit in the sand .

Me:so lets talk about something?

Jaden:yeah sure well me and Josh are thinking of buying a new house .

Me:wait you're leaving sway?


We continue talking then we get in the hype Jaden didn't stay and I walk in my room and take a nap.

LaTeR ThAt DaY.

I woke up and check my phone it was near 5 I just scroll on my phone and I make 3 tiktoks and post 2 of them. And I go to the kitchen. everyone was there with a bunch of food in the island.

Mia:girl where were you today I haven't seen you at all day.

Me:yeah this morning I got out for a run and then I went with Jaden for lunch then when I got here I was tired so I took a long nap.

Kouvr:well today were having a sleepover only girls wanna join?

Me:sure .

I eat dinner then we all go to kouvr and Alex's room he was staying with Thomas and the boys

Me:I will go change quickly and come back.

I wen tot my room and put on some pjs and get back to their room.

Kouvr:ok first let's play truth or dare.

Everyone agrees.

Kouvr:ok mia truth or dare?


Kouvr:who do you think is the cutest guys in the house?

Mia:well...Thomas duh.

Mia:k Luna?

Me:dare .

Mia:go prank nick.

Me:you know he hates me.

Mia:no changing.

Me:give me ideas?

Kouvr:throw him in th pool.



Me:but how?

Mia:I call him to see something and tell him to wait then you come out and push him.


This is about to get worst.

I go hide under one of the chairs.
I see mia and nick then she leaves I 4un to him and push him but he pulled me with him when I get to the top I see him looking at me with a choked face .

Nick:I hate you .ugh .

I get out of the water and I went to my room I shower and put on some comfy outfit and I go to kouvr's room.


Me:so what?

Mia:how did the prank go .

Me:like I thought.

We talked for some time the we watched a movie and all of us fall asleep.

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my meanie~Nick austin~[Continued]Where stories live. Discover now