Rasha007 || Roommate

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I'm a lover of fanfiction

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I'm a lover of fanfiction. Though it gets a bad rap and it's hard to find good stuff sometimes, to me it's worth the slog to uncover the gems. My favourite fics are the ones that really twist the narrative, and give the characters something really fresh that canon doesn't. It's a fine line to be able to do that while still remaining true and believable to the source material.

Roommate is one of those stories.

Daryl Dixon, before the apocalypse, is a grumpy hermit, and also in his spare time enjoys murdering people. Bad people (a la Dexter), but people nonetheless. He needs a roommate to avoid incriminating himself, and ends up with Lumen, a frail-seeming young woman with a mysterious past.

Hijinks ensue, because of course his hobby isn't a safe one, and her past comes back to bite her in the ass. It's tense, it's violent, and of course a little bit sexy too.

Of course Daryl's brother Merle is around too, and he's always a beacon of joy in every scene. Rasha depicts him as a perfectly endearing asshole that I can't help but love when he's in a scene. The brotherly bond between these guys carries over from the show well, despite their differences and how rough around the edges they are.

If you're not into fanfic, then Rasha has a non-fanfic version, because it's so A/U from The Walking Dead, it's easy to enjoy even if you're not a fan of the series. However, I dare you to read it without immediately flipping over to the sequel, After The End, which takes place after the zombie apocalypse and follows canon more closely.

You can find Roommate and many other kickass stories at Rasha007's profile. BUT FIRST! Read our awesome interview below to get to know the woman behind the creative exploits.

 BUT FIRST! Read our awesome interview below to get to know the woman behind the creative exploits

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She loves horror and gore and dark, complex romance. She runs community profiles and events that enrich the Wattpad experience and brings people together. She is a voracious lover of fandom and supportive of writers in all walks of life. She's a bilingual badass bitch and I'm proud to call her my friend.

So without further ado, here's Diana!

Emily: Okay so let's start with you telling me a bit about yourself.

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