Part 11

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You sat at the table looking at the last piece of cake. Everyone threw you a late birthday party. You enjoyed it but something was missing. No someone was missing. You looked down wondering what Sora was doing right now. Your dad looked at you and said. "You have something on your nose." "Where?" You asked looking at him. "There!" He put frosting on your nose. You giggled. "That's the laugh I remember." He said smiling. "Yeah! But something is missing. There now we're even!" You said putting some on his nose. "Come here!" He said putting you on his lap. You still didn't remember him. So you felt a little uncomfortable with this. But it felt so familiar to you. "Happy Birthday Hikari." He said. You still weren't used to being called that. Everyone here all called you Sora or Hikari. Because those were your first name and middle name. ___ was your other middle name that no one ever called you. Almost no one. Sora would always call you by that name. It was his idea to call you that and you loved it. "What's wrong princess?" He asked kissing your head.  "It's nothing..." You whispered looking again at the last piece of cake.


Sora looked at the last piece of cake. His mom made another one and it was your favorite. The two of you would probably be fighting over it now. Sora sighed and shook his head. After dinner he went upstairs to your bedroom. It was really empty. All your toys and clothes gone. He wanted you to forget something. Just so he had an excuse to see you. Even if it was for five minutes that was what he wanted. He sat down on your bed. Remembering reading you stories or just putting you to bed. "Mom hasn't washed ___'s sheets yet..." He whispered. That was when he saw it you forgot your favorite rabbit plush. He ran over to it and noticed a folded up piece of paper. He immediately opened it up. He smiled at the cute little drawing of the two of them. "She put my name twice.." He said frowning. He really liked the way you wrote the names in big capital letters. "I almost forgot that we have the same name..." He said crying. But that was what made this drawing more special.

*Back with you*

"Did you like the party?" He asked. "'s just..." You began. You didn't want to hurt his feelings. So you said. "Never mind..." "You can tell me. I won't get mad." He said helping you unpack. "I kinda wanted Sora to be there..." You said frowning and putting away your hair brush. "Is that all?" He asked. You nodded looking at him. He didn't want to change your relationship with Sora. So he didn't know what to say at first. "Come here." He said sitting on your bed. You sat next to him. "He will always be with you..." He said hugging you. "How do you know?" You asked. "Because your hearts are connected. Just look in your heart and he'll be there." He said. "Do you really think so?" You asked. "I know so sweetheart. Now we have to get you unpacked. Tomorrow you and I are going to spend the whole day together." He said getting up. "Really?" You asked. "Yeah! You and I haven't spent time together in a long while." He said. "But...I don't remember anything about you. Are you really sure that you want to spend time with me?" You asked looking down. "Of course I do. Just because you don't remember me doesn't change anything. You are still my daughter and I will always love you." He said kissing your head. You tried to say that you love him too. But you couldn't it didn't feel right. You looked down. "I'm sorry......I just can't say it!" You said. He sighed and got down to your level. "It isn't your fault...." He said putting his hand on your shoulder. "But...I." You whispered. "Please don't blame yourself. It isn't your fault." He said remembering what happened two years ago. He had to give up his own identity in order to save you. He didn't look like he used to. So it made sense why you didn't recognize him. He almost forgot who he was...if it wasn't for you and his friends he would've forgotten. He held your hand and smiled. "Don't cry my little one...." He said. "But...I don't want the same thing to happen to you that happened to Sora..." You said crying.

"That won't happen. I know better now..." He said looking at you. You looked confused. "Huh?" You asked. "Sora told me what you did. You saved him." He said sitting next to you and he put you on his lap. "He told you?" You asked. He nodded. "How?" You asked. "I know Sora very well." He said holding you close. You were going to ask more questions but you didn't want to be rude. "I see..." You said. He looked at the clock in your room. It was a replica of the one in Twilight Town. The only difference was it was smaller so it fit on your desk. The charm point of this clock was that it had small figures of Roxas,Axel and Xion. You thought that it was so cute. "It's time for bed." He said. You ran to the bathroom to brush your teeth. Normally you would race Sora to the sink. You stopped and got ready for bed slowly. "There you are all tucked in." He said putting the blankets around you. "Good night..." You said. "Hey would you like a story?" He asked you. He began to tell one of his stories. Then he stopped and was going to pick up a book. "No...please continue. I have to know how Sora saves his friends..." You said hugging your rabbit plush. It was wired because you left it with Sora but you had one at home. It didn't matter because you were happy to have it close. You fell asleep thinking about Sora. "Just like back then.." He whispered kissing you on the head.


Sora couldn't sleep. He didn't get to tuck you into bed. Tomorrow they would go meet up with Master Yen Sid. So he really needed sleep but he couldn't stop thinking about you. Did you get home safely? Could you sleep? Were you still his friend? All these questions kept the poor teen awake. He missed tucking you into bed. He also missed hearing you go downstairs just for water.He did the same thing often. Sora thought for a long time about somethings that you would do. Now that he thought about he would do some of the same things as you. "We like the same type of cake." Sora said listing stuff that they had in common. He didn't think too much of it. Because now he was sleepy. "I don't understand it...." He said yawning. He fell asleep not knowing that he was halfway out of bed.

You woke up crying. You had a nightmare. So you did whatever a little kid would do and get your dad. You walked around the palace looking for his room but you got lost. You found the kitchen, a lot of living room areas and a swimming pool. You stopped at the office door. No one was around. So you sat in the office chair and spun around for a little bit. That was when you saw something in the desk. "It's beautiful...." You said looking at the large diamond heart. The string was missing but it was still beautiful. It could open up. "No!" Someone yelled taking it away from you. You didn't know who at first. "You shouldn't have this Hikari! You don't touch this ever!" You didn't know what to say. He yelled at you. It was extremely rare when he did that. "You shouldn't be going through other people's stuff. It isn't right." He said looking at you. You stayed quiet at first. "Why are you in here?" He asked. "I was looking for you. When I couldn't find your room I thought that you were in here. I had a bad dream." You said frowning. "I see..let's get you back to bed." He said holding out his hand. For a minute you thought that you saw Sora. You shook your head and took his hand. "Could we invite Sora here tomorrow?" You asked wanting to show him around. "I'll try...but he's really hard to contact. He's really busy keeping the worlds safe." He chuckled. You really wanted to show him your room. He sighed looking at you and then he looked in the mirror. He didn't look like he used to. His hair wasn't as spiky as it was before and his hair was extremely light blonde almost white. He was constantly reminded why he looked like that.  "Are you okay?" You asked him. His brown-golden eyes looked at you. He nodded and smiled. His baby girl was alive. So what if he lost his part of who he was. You were that important to him. He began picking up the drawings. He looked at your name on one.

When he would work in his office you would sit down in a smaller desk next to him. He would look at his sweet three year old. She thought she was writing too. It was actually lines that she drew. So every day he would teach her how to write letters. Eventually she got pretty good. He walked out of his office one day to get something. "I'll write my name and surprise daddy..." You said taking some paper out. You thought for a minute or two. It was hard but after a lot of trying you did it. "Daddy I wrote my name!" You said jumping up and down. "Let's see..." He said looking confused at first. This wasn't your name. "What's wrong? Did I spell wrong?" You asked. Then it clicked. He knew exactly why you wrote his name instead. You must have been confused while writing this. He sighed looking at you. You began to walk away. "Where are you going?" He asked. "Corner time!" You sighed. "You aren't in trouble. I'm just surprised by your writing." He said smiling. You were all covered in marker ink. "You are a mess.....Let's get you cleaned up!" He said picking you up.

*End of flashback*

Ever since that day you sometimes wanted to be called Sora."I was going to clean up tomorrow." You said looking at the drawings all over the floor. He looked at the cute little drawing of his daughter and Sora. Just looking at it made him happy.


"Sora the king is here. We have to get going!" Riku said. "I know. I just have to get something first!" He said grabbing the drawing. Just looking at it made him happy. He smiled, folded it up and ran downstairs. No matter what time or place they were in they would always be together. And who knows maybe they'll meet again in the future.

(A/N: I might make a book to go with this one. If you really want me to.)

I'll protect you past, present,and future. (Sora x child reader)Where stories live. Discover now