Part 4

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You didn't know how you got into your bed and you weren't worried about it. "Sora's dad or mom must have helped me back to bed." You thought getting up and dressed. You sighed looking at your calendar. It was your birthday today and you couldn't even spend it with your family. You heard a ringing sound coming from your bag. "Huh?" You pulled out your toy phone. "I almost forgot about this." You said smiling. You could call anyone with this. Because your aunt put a spell on this as well as your bag. You held the red and white phone. You took a deep breath and called. "She's going to be surprised!" Sora chuckled as he held a can of pretend snakes. This was a classic joke and he really wanted pull it on ___. He stopped as he saw you on the phone. "I want to go home. Please let me come back." You said. "No this isn't a good time you don't want to be here! You could get hurt!" A familiar voice said. "But please I just want to spend my birthday with all of you!" You said crying. "I understand that....but you can't be here. It's just too dangerous. Please understand you have to stay there with Sora." He said. "He probably could care less if it's my birthday or not." You said. Sora heard this and immediately went downstairs and began to plan out your birthday. "I'm sure that he cares about you." He said."I don't think so. He probably hates me. I don't even think that this is the right Sora." You said. "Does he have spiky brown hair?" "Yes." "Then you got him."  You really didn't want to ask but. "W-where is daddy? I-Is he going to be okay?" You asked him. Your uncle stayed quiet for a while. "Yes he's going to be okay." "That's good to hear...may I please talk to him?" "I'm sorry but he's busy right now..." "I-I understand...are you sure that I can't go home?" "I'm isn't a good idea. Please just know that we wish that we could be there for your birthday. Happy birthday!"  "Wait uncle...." You said before he hung up. You put the phone down. "Hey! You better get ready! We are going to meet up with Riku and Kairi and you can't say no! What's wrong?" Sora asked coming into the room. "Why do you care?!" You said looking away from him. "Because I do...." "Just go away Sora! I don't want you to be mean to me! So get out of here!" You yelled. "Would seeing Riku and Kairi make you feel better?" He asked frowning. "Y-yeah..." You said drying your tears.

You didn't know where you were going so you followed Sora. "Hi ___." Kairi said smiling. "Hi...." "So what are we doing here Sora?" Riku asked as you were in a large patch of sunflowers. "You'll see..." He said hitting a button on some keys. "How did you get a gummi ship?" He asked him. "Well long story short. I made another one and I it..." Sora said rubbing the back of his neck. "Why?" He asked. "Well I couldn't part with this cool ship..." "What are we waiting for?" Kairi asked. You nodded as you went in with them. You looked out the window it was beautiful. You still felt bad that your dad couldn't be here today. "Sora! You are driving too fast!" Kairi said. "It's fine! I drive like this all the time. See we are already there." Sora said. You all had the anime swirls in the eyes. You all got out to see Twilight Town. "The sunset is beautiful." You said. "Let's go to the fair! It isn't that far!" Sora said hitting a button on the ship keys. This locked and made the ship invisible. "It's huge! Look at all the rides! I want to go on some!" You said. "We have to get tickets first." Kairi said. As you waited in line you could feel someone near you. You immediately held Riku's hand. You remembered your dad saying that if you were in a large group of people you should stay close to someone you know. "I want to hold your hand." "Okay..."

All day long you hung out with Riku and Kairi. Holding their hands and sometimes Riku would give you a piggy back ride. Sora really wanted the cute little girl to play with him."They look like a long as ___ is happy I'm okay with her not hanging out with me." He thought looking at you. He told himself that but he couldn't stop wanting you to come over and go on the rides with him. When the three of you went on another ride Sora played some games. "This is fun! Thank you guys for planning this!" You said eating some candy. "You should really thank Sora it was his idea to come here." Kairi said smiling. "Really?" "Yeah Sora called us this morning. He told us that it was your birthday today and he wanted to celebrate it." Riku said. You began to feel bad. You spent all day with Riku and Kairi. You didn't even go on any rides with or play games with Sora. "Let's go find him!" You said smiling. It didn't take you long to find him because there was a small crowd around him. "What's going on?" Kairi asked. "Wow he's good!" You heard people say. Everyone cheered as he won the hardest game in the fair. "I won your game. So please hand over that rabbit plush!" Sora said pointing at it. The man at the booth looked shocked. He then handed the plush to Sora. "Here! Happy birthday!" Sora said. "You didn't have to win me anything.....but this rabbit plush is so cute! Thank you!" You said snuggling it. "You're welcome." Sora said. "I want to apologize. I didn't spend time with you. All day long I was with Riku and Kairi." "I forgive you." "I know let's go on the Ferris wheel together! It will be fun! Come on!" You said grabbing his hand. "Okay..okay..." Sora said following your lead.

"We are so high! I'm scared!" You said looking down. "Just don't look down...look strait." He said. "Okay...." You said holding on tightly. It worked. "Hey Sora do you know my daddy? Because he always talks about you." You asked him. "What's your dad's name?" He asked. You didn't know his actual name. Everyone called him your majesty or Sir. "Everyone calls him your majesty even my aunts and uncles. So I don't know what his real name is." You said frowning. "Maybe if you describe what he looks like. Maybe I could get a good idea of what he looks like." Sora said closing his eyes. You tried your best but Sora couldn't quite picture what he looked like. "I got nothing!" He said. "Really? I guess...I've been away for a while. I don't want to forget him. What do I do?" You asked him. "You won't forget. He will always be in your heart. You just have to look there." Sora said. "Funny that sounds like something dad would say.." You thought looking away. You did exactly what he said. This only helped for a while but you then remembered. You didn't listen to your dad and you ran away. The Organization was going to attack you but your dad jumped in front of you. Taking the hit. "It's all my fault....." You said looking down. "What's..." He was going to ask you but the ride stopped. Sora wondered what was it that happened. You told them the story about what happened. Did you leave something out? He thought about what might have happened. As you all went home he was thinking about how could it be your fault? Did you do something wrong? He didn't want to ask because you were still a little upset.


"Where are you little girl?" Maxi asked looking at a playground filled with kids. She has been looking around all day and didn't find anything to do with her. "Maybe I have to try somewhere else. A toy store is a good idea." She said about to leave. "Please may I play for a few minutes?" You asked. "Sure but only for a few minutes. Besides we have to get your birthday dinner! Mom made all your favorites!" Sora said. "I won't be long!" You said running to go play. "I should get her to be alone." She said using one of her magic powers. You went down the slide that was when you saw a kid all by herself. "Hi are you okay?" You asked her. "I'm waiting for my best friend." She said sitting at a small table. "Oh okay...I'll see you later." You said. She grabbed your hand. "Huh?" "I've been alone all day. No one will play with me..." She said. You didn't have a good feeling about her. But you knew what it was like to play all alone. You did it a lot when everyone was busy. But that was your choice. You didn't know what to do. She began to cry. "Okay what are we playing?" You asked. "Let's play tag! You know how to play right?" "I think so..." "Then you're it!" She said running. You chased after her not paying attention to where you were going. You never played with a kid around the same age as you. You didn't have any friends back home. Your dad didn't let you leave the palace. So this was new to you. You giggled as you ran after her. "I'm so happy!" You thought but you then realized that you weren't near the park anymore. You stopped running. "Wait! We shouldn't be here! Let's go back to the park. We can get lost!" You yelled after her. "It's fine I live here!" She said. "Is it okay to come over here? I should get permission from Sora." You said frowning. "Why is he the boss of you?!" "Well not really but..." "Shouldn't an actual grown up tell you what to do?!" "Yeah....but Sora is..." "Not the boss of you. Now come on I want to show you my room." She said grabbing your arm. "I haven't had dinner yet." "My mom is making dinner right now. You can eat with us." She said. You thought for a while. Then you ran away towards Kairi's house. You knew that she lived around here. "Come back here!" She yelled running after you. "She's too fast!" You said trying to shake her off. You were getting farther away from Kairi's house. "Now what?" You asked. You managed to get away from her but you didn't know what street you were on. You were alone and lost now in the rain. "If only I brought my bag..." You said. You didn't want to look like a baby so you tried not to cry. Your daddy would want you to be brave. So you stood there in a dark alley way by yourself. "I can't be weak..." You reminded yourself. It was hard because you didn't want many people to take advantage of your heart. You didn't want people thinking that you were just a kid. "Heartless?" You asked as they surrounded you. You looked away as they jumped. "I finally found you!" Sora said. You smiled as you ran up to him. "Let's go home." You said.

"You really shouldn't run off like that. You could get hurt." He said. "I was playing with someone and got lost. I didn't run away on purpose." You said turning your head. Well you kinda did but you didn't want to tell him that someone tricked you. "Next time please tell me where you are going." "I know. I'm sorry." You said frowning. You were now getting worried that they might try that again. "I have to keep my guard up. From now on." You thought.

I'll protect you past, present,and future. (Sora x child reader)Where stories live. Discover now