Part 2

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Sora knew that you were going to be difficult to deal with. "Where are your parents kid?" Sora asked. You looked down. "I don't remember my mom and my daddy is...." You stopped. You didn't know if he was okay or not. You began to cry but you didn't want this person knowing. "Where is Sora? I need to know where he lives!" You said changing the subject. "I'm Sora." He said. "No you aren't! You can't be Sora!" You said frowning. This boy couldn't possibly be Sora. "First things...first...let's get out of this rain. Then we can have a nice chat on how do you know me."He said. You didn't trust him but at the same time you did. So you went with him. "I'm home!" He yelled. "Sora you're late for dinner! Now it's cold!" "Sorry mom! It's just..." "I don't want excuses! Who is this little one?" She asked looking at you. "Hello... you have a wonderful home." You said. "This is um?" Sora looked at you. "Sora..." You answered. "She has the same name as you. Isn't that cute!" "Cute?" Sora asked. "Well let's get you a dried off and give you a hot meal." "Thanks mom!" Sora said. "I was talking about the little girl." She said getting some towels. "Here you are dear! Your parents must be so worried about you." She said putting it around you. You stayed quiet. You didn't want to lie because your dad told you that it was wrong. "Well you see...I don't remember my mom. My dad got hurt by man in a black..." You didn't get to finish because Sora covered your mouth. "They are on vacation. Her dad got hurt badly. So she doesn't have anywhere to stay while he's in the hospital." Sora quickly said. "Oh that's too bad. You can stay here for as long as you wish." She said. "Thank you." You said. "Why did you lie? Father says that lying is wrong." You asked him. "It is wrong. But my parents don't know about the keyblade or the Organization. So I want to keep it that way." Sora said. You didn't want to know what his excuse was for being gone for a year.

"Are you warmed up now?" Sora asked as you sat on your new bed. You nodded eating some soup. "Are you with the Organization? And where did you come from?" He asked. "I'm not telling you anything. I still don't think that you are Sora. When I meet the real Sora then I'll tell him." You said. "I am Sora! Why do you think that I'm not?" He asked. "Because you don't look like you would be the hero of the keyblade." You said. "If she doesn't believe me then I'm just going to show her." Sora thought standing up he summoned his keyblade. You still didn't know if he was with bad people or not. But still he hasn't done anything bad to you yet. "That doesn't tell me anything!" You said going downstairs to put your bowl in the sink. You then stopped buy the bathroom. "I want my favorite pjs." You whispered to your small bag. You pulled them out and put them on. "I'm glad that it works even though that I'm in the past." You said to yourself. You could even access stuff from in your bathroom in using your bag. So you put your toothbrush and favorite soap in the bathroom. Sora saw you walk out of the bathroom and back upstairs. "Huh? Where did she get those pjs?" He asked himself. He followed you back upstairs. "Where did you get those?" "From home." You said beginning to put your clothes in the dresser. You were pulling out clothes from your small cross bag. Sora gave you a weird look. "It's connected to my room. My aunt put a spell on it. So if I need anything I can just wish for it and it comes right to me." You said frowning. "How old are you?" He asked. "Four." You responded. He was a bit shocked to hear that. You didn't act like you were four. Six maybe but not four. That wasn't until his mother began to spoil you. She would buy you some new toys and give you sweets. The worst part of it was that you would tease him but he wasn't the best either because he tease you back. He wasn't being mean it was just fun and he thought that you knew this.

One day he was going to the island with Riku and Kairi alone but his plans change. "Do I have to mom?" Sora asked. "Yes you do. She can't come with us. Your dad and I have to go out to lunch this afternoon. It's for his work." "Okay....I'll watch her." Sora said going upstairs to tell you how the day was going to be like. "____ I'm going to the island with my friends. Are you coming?" He asked. Sora called you this. Because your name was so long and he didn't want confusion if someone was talking to him. You thought for a while. "If it is Riku and Kairi than maybe they can help me." "Sure." You said sighing. You got your shoes on and went with them. As you were walking to the docks you could feel like someone was looming behind you. You would always look behind you and they would be gone. It felt like this for a while but you felt something strange when you were with Sora. "What is this warmth in my heart? I feel safe? And comfortable. Like I know him and trust him." You thought. You closed your eyes trying remember your home. You would play in the garden with your daddy and you would go for walks with him.

"Hikari come hold my hand. You have to hold my hand when we cross the street." He said. "Okay..." You held his hand. You crossed the street but you still wanted to hold his hand. He smiled at you. "Daddy! I love you!" You said smiling. You began singing a cute little song that you made up.

"Daddy..." You said beginning to sing the song to yourself. You didn't realize that you were holding Sora's hand. He looked over at you. "Deep down there is a little girl who's lost. She just needs someone to look after her. She just misses her daddy." Sora thought. You opened your eyes. "Sora you can't hold my hand!" You said taking your hand away. "But you grabbed my hand." He said. "I would've remembered that Sora!" You said frowning. This was going to be a long day.

I'll protect you past, present,and future. (Sora x child reader)Where stories live. Discover now