Ice Cream Takes A Turn

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3rd POV (Izuku is 4)

      Inko Midoriya was walking to the ice cream parlor with her son, Izuku, hand-in-hand, when she looked down to ask what flavor he wanted. She was sure he would ask for the new All Might flavor. Realizing that he wasn't there anymore made her start to worry. She looked around her to see if he had slipped away when she heard a small squeak. She turned around and found him right next to her. Relieved, she gently smiled as she asked him what ice cream he wanted and got an excited answer of "All Might ice cream!"
After getting their ice creams and sitting down in a booth, Inko told Izuku that they would be going to the quirk doctor later that week to see what his quirk was.

Time Skip!!! (๑>◡<๑)

As the Midoriya family all walked into the waiting area for the quirk doctors office, Izuku bounced up and down in excitement about his what his quirk could be. Since they had left the ice cream store Izuku had disappeared multiple times.
When it was their turn to talk to the doctor, Izuku sat in between his parents on a small black swivel stool with a little notebook laying open on his lap with a pencil. As the doctor walked in he looked up from his clipboard with the test results. He slowly sat down across from the family and announce the news.
"Well, it seems like little Izuku here has developed a combination of your two quirks," he started, "and he just so happened to get one of the more interesting mutant type varieties. His quirk is called chameleon. He can change the direction that others perceive light particles, robot, person, or animal. This ability can be used at will after some practice, and with lots of work, he might even be able to change what others see him doing or what others are doing. The only drawback from overuse (that I can tell) is that he'll get spots in his vision if he tries anything too complicated."
"Cool!" Izuku squealed happily while starting to bounce on his chair. He then finished scribbling down what the doctor had said.
    "Another aspect that comes with little Izuku's quirk is that he will be able to see more colors than the average person. He will also see UV lights because of the part of his quirk that makes his bones glow. Additionally, his eyes and freckles will change color based on emotions. A green or light blue color mean he's happy, a darker brown or black color will mean he's uncomfortable or nervous," the doctor continued to explain, "and if they go red, it means he's upset or angry. On another note though, I do think that it would be best if Izuku got some quirk control classes to help him with controlling his new abilities. It would get annoying after a while for him to have no control."
    Inko and Hisashi decided that they would put Izuku into a quirk control class. His first day would be after school that following Monday.

    Thank you so much for reading this story! I'm sorry in advance if this story seems a little strange or if the plot makes no sense, but this is my first long term story and I'm bound to make mistakes. Feel free to leave comments about anything you want as long as your considerate of others while writing it. I'm all good with suggestions on where to take this story too! Thank you so much!
Amex out ٩( )و

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