Green Eyed

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Green Eyed

Every morning this week, it had been like this. Waking up late, having gone to bed barely before 2am and rushing around throwing on your clothes, kissing Taron in passing and rushing to catch the tube, grabbing a coffee at the costa opposite the studio. It was no different for him, Taron would wake up panicked, jumping in the shower and shouting for you, trying to wake you. He would dry and dress quickly, trying all he could to rouse you from your dreams, fighting your desperation to stay where you were along with his to join you. A piece of toast in his mouth, he would tickle you, remove the covers, he even tried a little water on your face one time, but soon regretted that. You could be awful when woken and it was a testament to his love of you, that he even tried.

His phone beeped letting him know his car was ready downstairs, but he would make sure you were at least sat up and eyes open before he left. Promising sweet things for when you got home, knowing only too well that the best you both would manage was a cuddle before both crashing out.

Working on different projects was hard, but at least you both were working in the same city. You reminded yourself, at least you got that cuddle every night. Walking into the rehearsal you appeared composed and professional. Despite the earlier mania. You began the warmup with everyone else and as the creative juices got going, you relaxed and found that same energy you always had for this. For creating, for playing and for imagination. This morning you were working in a separate studio, it was time to start the scenes you were nervous of, never having done anything like it.

Being the plus size actor most roles you got were either comedy or background. This was an ensemble piece, meaning no one was a lead character and in the same way, you all were. That was enough pressure, good pressure and a pressure you thrived on. But the character, still stereotypical fat girl in its writing, excited you. It was more real, had a more responsible and true reflection of life in it. What you loved was its honesty about sex and love, it was also something you wanted to depict in the right way and having never even kissed a fellow actor in character. This was a new challenge.

You smiled as you walked in and saw Matt, your co-star and the guy you would be spending night after night kissing and barely dressed in in front of hundreds of people. You had spent a lot of time, in each others company and completed chemistry tests with a few actors.

But Matt was the clear winner, prefect choice, he was amazingly sweet and had the ability to calm your nerves and make you laugh easily. You had chatting constantly, and he had been so helpful in giving you tips and tricks to alleviate the fear you had. He was also Gay, which should havent had been an issue and it wasnt. Only somehow it made it feel less like cheating on Taron somehow.

Taron of course was a pro, with this area of acting, having been naked in a drama school production. He did his best to help you feel better and more confident over it, but somehow coming from someone looking the way he did, did not have the same impact.

Matt was chubby, and though he had amazing blue eyes and curly blond hair. He was nowhere near the breath-taking Taron. Even with your own bias and Tarons gorgeous modesty. The two men were quite different creatures.

It would have been a nightmare, had you fancied your co star you thought as you and Matt began the scene reading from your scripts. It was just the two of you in the room, so it was easier too. Y/N Ive been thinking Matt said lifting you from your thoughts. But before you could say anything. Matt moved forward and kissed you. Instinct and panic made you instantly pull back, wide eyed.

Sorry Matt said laughing, I was thinking that we should get used to kissing each other he chuckled as you calmed yourself ok you began I also thought I would just break the ice and go for it Matt ran his hand through his curls, sending them bouncing a little. No Matt that was a good idea I mean is a good idea ok then lets go you stuttered, gaining composure.

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