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Hamish was bathed, teeth brushed and tucked up ready for bed. The duvet was right up to his chin and the little boy giggled as John tucked the blankets under him until he was cocooned like a caterpillar. Hamish wriggled around on the bed laughing.

From where he was watching at the door frame, Sherlock chuckled at the boy's antics. Over the course of one day Hamish had wriggled into his heart and he could now see exactly how adorable the little monkey was. He smiled and didn't bother scolding himself for getting way too attached.

Once the boy had calmed down, John stood up and placed a soft kiss on his forehead, "Night-night. Sleep tight."

"And don't bed bugs bite!" The child yawned, allowing his head to rest back against the pillow.

The doctor knelt down and flicked on the night light. The golden star emitted a gentle yellow glow, just bright enough to ward off the darkness. Once on, he switched off the main light and pulled the door ajar. John had a soft smile as no matter how many times he did it, tucking Hamish up always made his heart squeeze.

"Hamish is a really special kid." Sherlock murmured quietly.

John nodded, leading the detective to the kitchen where he began making mugs of tea, "I don't know what I'd do without him. He is constantly a little ray of sunshine. I just wish I could be with him more but the only way to afford this flat and everything for him is to work crazy hours."

"Unless you could find somewhere cheaper." Sherlock mused.

"Cheaper? In London?" He chuckled, "That's rather optimistic, Sherlock."

The detective nodded, "You're right. I'm sorry." He glanced down at the floor.

"Don't be sorry. I'm always open to suggestions." He handed the tall man a hot cup of tea. "You're just trying to help."

The sociopath glanced at John and their eyes met. John smiled gently.

The small man stepped forward and went onto his tiptoes so their lips could meet. They kissed for only seconds but Sherlock could feel his heart beat racing in his chest. His stomach did flips in excitement. John pulled back all too soon.

"Is this okay?" He asked, quietly. He didn't want to do something then get shot down. He needed all the cards on the table so he could work out his next step. He needed Sherlock to tell him if he felt the same.

Sherlock nodded, his mouth suddenly dry, "More than okay."

John grinned, "Thank you for everything you did today." He leant up and kissed him again. This time the detective was ready and took advantage of that fact.


"Bye-Bye, Ishy!" John waved to his son as he inched out of the door. He had left Hamish with Sherlock a handful of times since the first but he still was always hesitant to leave his baby. As he pulled around the door he kept his arm waving until he was completely outside. He sighed.

Charlie from the hospital messaged him which caused his phone to vibrate in his pocket,

-Half Day for you today! Dr S is coming back after lunch xx-

He smiled at the prospect of getting home to Hamish and Sherlock a few hours early. He set off to work with a more positive outlook.


The flat was empty. Both boys were gone and John had no idea where they'd disappeared to! Panic tightened in his chest as his fingers scrambled to reach his mobile. He flicked to Sherlock's number in seconds and was ringing.

He spoke before Sherlock could murmur a greeting, "Where is Hamish?"

"It's fine, John. He's here with me." The detective tried to sooth.

"That's great but where are you?" He pushed.

"Oh, we are with Lestrade on Clives Road."

"You're with Greg? That's a relief. Wait, why are you with Greg? If you say a crim-"

Sherlock started speaking before John could finish,"On a crime scene."

"YOU TOOK MY BABY TO A MURDER?!" He roared down the phone.

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