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1 year later

"John?" Sherlock called up the stairs. He glanced down at his watch impatiently, "We are going to be late!"

The stomping on the stairs from their shared flat indicated that his partner was finally on his way. The doctor looked rushed and flustered. His face red and breathing harsh. John tugged on his jacket as he stumbled down the last few steps and stood looking up at his partner.

"Sorry, Love." He murmured, "I couldn't get the smell of antiseptic off my hands." The doctor subconsciously rubbed his palms against the rough material of his jeans.

"It's fine but come on." Sherlock encouraged him towards the door. "We don't want to miss our appointment."

The door of 221 slammed behind them as they rushed out onto the busy Baker Street. John still hadn't quite adjusted to the increased footfall past his new flat but he knew he'd already fallen in love with the place. Their landlady was also an absolute wonder. He'd never miss the old cramped spaced he owned before.

"St Edwards RC Primary School." Sherlock instructed to the driver as he and John tumbled into a black cab. The vehicle began moving straight away.

"I'm nervous." John muttered to Sherlock. His fingers played with the zip on his jacket.

"Don't be!" Sherlock reassured his partner, "Hamish would have done great so far!"

The doctor didn't seem convinced but he turned to stared out the window anyway. His mind was busy working over his thoughts.


"Mrs Grathem?" John asked as he stepped up to the small table. He shook the woman's hand before lowering himself down on a tiny chair specially designed for the young students.

"Mr and Mr Watson?" She asked, smiling openly. She was a good teacher for Hamish and John liked her.

Sherlock couldn't find it within himself to correct the last name but he also found that he actually liked being a Watson. He smiled.

"Well, first I'd like to say that Hamish is a delight to have in class! A really kind and polite little boy." She consulted her notes as she spoke, "We're aware he has faced a difficult time over the last few years but I personally believe that he has coped remarkably."

John and Sherlock nodded, eager to hear more wonderful things about their boy.

"He is progressing well in every area and he is clearly a very bright child. I might even go as far as to say 'gifted'." She grinned at the men's pride, "I expect great things from Hamish." She nodded with absolute certainty.

John fought back the tear that threatened to drop over. He'd feared for so long that his son would be bullied or teased for having two fathers but that apparently wasn't the case. His pride was choking him. He looked over at Sherlock to see the detective was also grinning with pride. They'd done well for Hamish.


"Good job, Baby." John grinned as he tucked Hamish under his blanket, "You've done so good."

Sherlock smiled from where he was sat on the young boy's bed, "We're really proud of you, Hamish."

The pride on the boy's face made every second worth it.

"Thank you, Papa. Thank you, Sherly."

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