[6] Win O.

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My phone sat on my nightstand as I laid in bed. I didn't want to touch it because I was afraid that I'd end up doing something dumb. I had seen Bright wiping away his tears in his car, and I was worried about him.

"Psshhhh," I sighed.

I stared at my phone for a few seconds before I picked it up. I tapped around and made my way to "Phone". I scrolled down in my contacts and found the person that I was looking for. I bit my thumb and didn't stop myself for becoming impulsive.

"Okay, I'm gonna do this," I muttered.

I pressed the call button and held the phone up to my ear. The ringing of the phone blared in my ears. I bit my lip and waited. I never remembered feeling this nervous when I used to call Bright, but this was different.

Sorry, the number that you have dialed is unavailable right now. Please leave your message at the beep.

The line beeped and I had no idea what I wanted to say. I let my mouth hang open while I tried to find words to string together, but I couldn't do it. I quickly hungup and put my head in my hands.

"What the hell is wrong with me?" I groaned in frustration.

I grabbed my phone and opened up iMessage. I opened up Bright's messages and took a second to look at our last messages to each other.

 I opened up Bright's messages and took a second to look at our last messages to each other

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I bit back the bubbling feeling of loneliness as I began to type a new message.

W: shia haha. Sorry, I was supposed to call someone else but I pressed your name instead.

I threw my phone back onto the nightstand and let my back hit the bed as I laid down. I was being extremely stupid and maybe obsessing over the loss of Bright's friendship, but I couldn't help it. I missed him. He probably didn't feel the same way.

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