Ch.1: Before My Sister

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Hi there! name is Katheryn. I was the former Queen of the Hard Rock trolls before Barb came along. You may know my little sister, Queen Roxanne, more than me, but that's alright. I mean, who doesn't know her, she's the Queen of Trollstopia for god's sake! It would be a crime NOT to know who she was!

What was I doing again?... Oh yeah! Roxy wanted me to write down my side of the story in this book here...whatever that means...

Where to begin...well, I mean I guess I should start from the beginning, right? That seems logical enough...heh...I'm sorry, I'm not used to writing things down. Roxy was the reader and writer of our family, not me, so this may end up being very awkward for the both of us...

Anyways, without further ado, let's get started!


I was an only child for the first three years of my life. I barely remember those days, since I was so young. But I DO remember that my dad, King Flash, taught me how to play the guitar, and my mom, Queen Renee, taught me how to sing.

Oh yeah, and I also remember the day my parents told me that I was going to be a big sister, cause that's kind of important.

I remember sitting on their bed while they stood in front of me with the biggest smiles on their faces. I, on the other hand, was very confused.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" I asked them. This only made my mom's smile wider. She got down on her knees and parted her hair so I could peak inside. I squinted as hard as I could, but I couldn't see anything other than her hair.

"What am I supposed to be looking at?" I asked. My dad chuckled.

"I told you she wouldn't be able to see it, Renee," he informed my mom. "They are exactly the same color."

"What's exactly the same color?" I was so confused. What the heck were they talking about?

That's when my mom reached into her hair and carefully pulled out a pitch black egg. I just stared at it. This didn't explain anything.

"What is that?" I asked, still confused. Remember, I was only three years old at the time, so I wasn't exactly the smartest troll. My mom just laughed.

"This is going to be your little sister," she told me. "She should hatch within a couple of days. Then, when she gets older, you two will be able to play and sing together whenever you want! Isn't that exciting?"

The dots began to connect in my head as I finally understood what was going on. "Really?!" I gasped. I got to my feet and started jumping all over their bed.

"Yippee! I'm gonna be a big sister!" I squealed while bouncing around. My dad laughed and started jumping on the bed with me. My mom quickly placed my sister's egg back into her hair and smiled at us.

"Calm down, you two!" she giggled. But I couldn't calm down! I was too excited! The next few days seemed to be the longest days of my life as I waited for my little sister to arrive!

Then a week passed...and another week...

Where was my little sister?... She should be here by now, right? Both my parents rarely left my sister's room within that time period, which was strange. They wouldn't even let me go in to see them either. I would sit outside the door and press my ear up against it, trying to listen to what was going on in there, but I always heard nothing.

It was always eerily silent on the other side.

After three weeks had passed, I got tired of waiting. I wanted to see what was going on in there! So, the first chance I got, I managed to sneak into the room on one of the rolling food carts that other trolls used to bring them their meals, since you know, they rarely left the room to begin with.

I could barely see past the grey tablecloth that covered the cart I caught a ride on. It was very dark inside the room, except for a large amount of warm light that was coming from one area of the room.

"How is she?" I heard someone ask.

"I'm not sure," I heard my dad say from the other side of the room. "Eggs don't normally do this, do they?"

"Not to my knowledge, your majesty," the unknown troll responded. "I mean sure, I've heard of eggs getting cold, maybe even hatching a bit late, but I've never seen or heard of anything quite like this before..."

I quickly crawled out from my hiding spot and towards a dark corner where nobody could see me. My eyes were slowly beginning to adjust to how dark the room was.

There was a crib in one corner, and in another corner, there was a toy chest and a tiny foam guitar and microphone.

Then I looked towards where all the light was coming from and froze. Both of my parents were sitting in front of a glass display case. It had a few heating lamps around it, which made the room feel a bit too warm for comfort. Most of my mother's hair was missing from her head, and was now inside the glass case. I noticed that there was something in the middle of it, so I crawled forward to get a closer look.

It was an egg, except this egg wasn't black like my sister's, it was white.

Mom just kept staring at it, like she was waiting for it to do something, anything! She looked like she hadn't slept in days.

"My little girl..." I heard her mumble to herself. "Please...come're worrying your mother..." I saw dad holding her hand and trying his best to comfort her. I stared at it, my eyes wide with shock. That couldn't possibly be my sister's egg, could it?

"W-What's wrong with Roxy?" I asked while still staring at the egg. I had no idea that I had just named my unborn sister...

My dad quickly stood up and rushed over to me. He wasn't even upset that I had found a way to sneak into the room, which was surprising.

"Your sister will be fine, don't worry my little rockstar," he reassured me while patting me on the head. "She's just a bit cold, that's all! She just needs a bit more time to get ready for her big debut. These things happen sometimes!" Although he offered me a smile, I could still hear the hint of concern in his voice. He picked me up in his arms and carried me out of the room while mom stayed behind, still staring at Roxy's egg.

There's one thing that you guys need to understand before anything else. My father wasn't always cruel. He used to be a kind man who had a big heart, with enough love to care about not just my mother and I, but also our entire kingdom. I loved him so much!

But that all changed after my sister finally decided to hatch...

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