Ch. 6: Prince Titus

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A minute passed...

Then two...

Then three...

Still no sign of my sister.

Mom had been reduced to a pile of snot and tears on the beach while I was still frozen in place, staring at the water.

"Please Roxy..." I thought. "Please be alright..."

Four minutes...

King Marin was still down there searching for her. I was starting to lose hope...there was no way anybody could hold their breath for that long.

Five minutes...

Suddenly, someone burst out of the water at lightning speed and landed on the beach. He had my sister in his arms, and she was unconscious.

"Dad?!" he shouted. "Dad?!"

King Marin resurfaced almost instantly. "Whatever it is, son, it can wait. I'm trying to look for-" He gasped and rushed out of the water as soon as he saw Roxy.

Mom was in shock. I ran over to her, but I didn't know what to do to comfort her. So I kind of just sat next to her and patted her on the shoulder.

"Titus, where did you find her?!" the king asked as he frantically placed two fingers on my sister's wrist, checking for a pulse. I tilted my head in surprise. There were two glowing blue bands located just above her wrists on her forearms. I had never seen anything like them before...did she get them from sinking down to techno reef? What did they represent?

"She was floating above the DJ booth. I have no idea how she got there or how long she was listening!" the prince responded.

I stared at Titus. So this was the prince of techno trolls. He looked like he was a year younger than me, but two years older than Roxy, making him ten years old when the two of us met him for the first time.

I didn't pay much attention to what he looked like physically, since that would end up being Roxy's job, but by first glance, I could tell that he was VERY cute...not that I was interested or anything.

"She's not dead, is she?!" Mom shrieked while crawling towards them. "Please tell me she's not dead!" I rushed over to them as well. King Marin took his fingers off of Roxy's wrist and leaned down to check if she was breathing.

"She's not dead, but she is dying," he said frantically. "Her heartbeat is slowing down and she's not breathing. Back up!"

"Wait, dad-"

"Not now, son!" The king positioned both of his hands above Roxy's chest and pushed down firmly. I saw the prince squirming next to him.

"Dad, you're not doing it right!" he shrieked. "She only needs a few chest compression's and mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, not full on CPR! You're only gonna end up killing her faster!" The king glanced over at his son with a mildly frustrated look on his face.

"I've never had to do this before, alright?! Cut me some slack!" King Marin shouted back. Suddenly, Prince Titus rushed forward and pushed the king out of the way.

"Let me do it..."

Mom clung onto me as tightly as she could. She wrapped her arms around my neck, nearly choking me to death. I didn't say anything about it though; I just let her do it.

The three of us sat there and watched as Prince Titus bent down, tilted Roxy's head back, and overlapped his mouth over hers, blowing air into her lungs. Then, he gave her a few chest compression's, then bent down and blew into her mouth again.

I'm sure you've heard Roxy mention how Titus saved her life that day...but even to this day, she thinks he only saved her by pulling her out of the water. No...he saved her twice on the same day, not just once. Not only did he bring her back up to the surface, but he also successfully helped to remove the water from her lungs.

After he had performed mouth-to-mouth on her several times, a quiet gurgling noise could be heard coming from Roxy's throat. Titus quickly turned her onto her stomach just in time for her to hurl a bunch of salt water onto the sand. Then he backed away from her in order to give her some space.

She started coughing and wheezing as mom let out a sigh of relief and rushed towards her.

"Roxanne! My sweet baby girl! Are you alright?!" she cried. King Marin and I surrounded her as Roxy opened her eyes and groaned.

"Ugh...what happened..."

I smiled. I was glad she was alive. Even though she could be a major pain in the butt, I wasn't sure what I would do without her. She is my sister after all, and I love her dearly, no matter how annoying she became when we were kids.

When she described Techno Reef to us, I just crossed my arms and rolled my eyes. The way she described it was like a child describing their first time walking into a candy store. She was hopping around all over the beach with the biggest smile plastered on her face.

Then, she noticed the blue bands on her wrists, but when she tried to get them off, that was when she met the prince. She stared at him, studying his appearance carefully, making sure not to miss a single detail. She said he was pretty, and I chuckled a bit. I was happy that she had managed to make a friend who wasn't me, even though he was from a different tribe.

I remember thinking how cute they were standing next to each other!...

...Wait a minute...

Anyways, after Roxy sang the worlds most OBNOXIOUS song to him, then got back onto the angler bus, we finally headed home.

The reason why I hated the song was because she had been singing it over and over again since this morning, even while we were travelling between kingdoms.

"You handled that more maturely than I did!" I heard my mom say as she ruffled my hair. I rubbed my cheek against the palm of her hand.

"Thank you, mom!" I replied. I laid my head down on her lap so I could sleep for a bit. Then, I heard her say something I'll never forget:

"You are going to be an amazing queen someday!"

...That was the last thing she ever said to me...


Everything started to go downhill...

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