Ch.8: My Future King

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(Song in this chapter: "I Do It For You" by Bryan Adams.)

When I was about sixteen, I officially met my soulmate. Funny story, if you were to go back in time and tell me that this troll was gonna be "the one," I would've straight up laughed and called you an idiot, cause that was the last thing I would've considered him to be at that time. I'm sure you already know who I'm talking about, but if you don't, then let me explain.

As you all may know, my sister was forbidden from performing on stage with me after mom passed away. So, in order to make up for that, dad put together my band, which consisted of my soon to be very close friends. One of them, my drummer, was named Slick.

Now hold on! This is not who I'm talking about! I'm getting to that part.

Slick and I were pretty close. I thought about dating him once or twice, but quickly brushed that feeling away. I didn't want to become the stereotypical princess/queen who fell in love with one of her band members.

Then, one day, only a few hours before a concert, we received word that Slick got pneumonia, which of course would prevent him from performing with the rest of us. So, we needed someone else to take his place for a few weeks while he got better. However, there was one problem...

"What do you mean you don't have a backup drummer?!" my dad screeched wildly.

"I don't have any other friends, dad!" I replied. "Carly, Harrison, and Slick are my ONLY friends." My dad sighed and put his head in his hands.

"Katheryn...a good queen must ALWAYS have a backup plan," he mumbled. I looked at the ground in shame.

"Sorry, dad..."

"It's alright, rock didn't know. Luckily, I planned ahead for moments like these, so I've already arranged a backup drummer for you. He's waiting...somewhere around here, so I'll call him in here so that you two can get better acquainted."

"Alright! Thanks dad! I'm literally so desperate, I'd take ANYONE!" I was being serious about that. Carly, Harrison, and I still hadn't rehearsed any of the songs we were going to perform tonight, and we NEEDED to rehearse. Dad smiled at me, leaned back in his chair, and shouted down the hallway:

"THRASH! Can you come here please? Your assistance is required!" My ears perked up. I could've swore I'd heard that name before.

A few moments later, a purple troll with black hair walked into the room and smiled at me. He was a few years older than I was, so about nineteen at this specific point in time.

"Sup, Blueberry!" he said while laughing. Now that I could see his face and hear his voice, I was immediately disgusted.

"Seriously, dad?! Anyone but him!" I growled.

"Ouch!" Thrash responded. "Those words cut deep, Blueberry."


I knew him of course. I knew everybody in Volcano Rock City. Like most rock trolls, I had a list of those I loathed, but I hated this one with a passion. He liked to poke fun at me, ever since we were young kids. Every time I did patrol, he would stick out his tongue, make faces at me, and call me Blueberry...whatever the heck that was supposed to mean.

"Dad, you literally could've chosen ANYBODY in the city to replace Slick! Why did it have to SPECIFICALLY be him?!" I screeched. Both he and Thrash could tell by the tone of my voice that I was not happy.

"Because, Thrash is the second best drummer there is, with the best being offense Thrash."

"Oh it's fine, I don't mind," Thrash responded. "Slick is totally radical on the drums anyways!" Dad smiled and chuckled. Just listening to him talk made me want to punch him in the face...

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